Crsytal Lattice Question Preview (ID: 46844)

A Quiz On #crystalline #structure. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Lattice points have another name which is called
a) lattice sites
b) lattice arrangements
c) lattice circles
d) lattice array

In crystal lattice ions are arranged in
a) two dimensions
b) four dimensions
c) three dimensions
d) single dimension

Points which shows position of atoms in a crystal are called
a) lattice lines
b) lattice points
c) lattice circles
d) lattice arrangements

Crystal lattice is actually
a) array of points
b) lines of points
c) sum of points
d) triangle of points

Crystal lattice is also known as
a) lattice triangle
b) space lattice
c) lattice line
d) lattice array

Electron sea exists in
a) Polar bonds
b) Ionic bond
c) Covalent bond
d) Metallic bond

Repeatable entity of a crystal structure is known as
a) Crystal
b) Lattice
c) Unit cell
d) Miller indices

Coordination number for closest packed crystal structure
a) 16
b) 12
c) 8
d) 4

Coordination number in simple cubic crystal structure
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4

Co-ordination number of a crystalline solid is:
a) Number of particles in the unit cell
b) Number of octahedral voids in a unit cell
c) Number of tetrahedral voids in a unit cell
d) Number of nearest neighbours of a particle

ABC ABC arrangement is actually
a) cubic open packing
b) cubic close packing
c) hexagonal open packing
d) hexagonal closed packing

Which of the following is a crystalline solid?
a) Copper wire
b) Glass bottle
c) Polythene bag
d) Rubber ball

The number of Na, ions which surround each CI1-ion the NaCI crystal lattice is
a) 8
b) 12
c) 6
d) 4

When water freezes at 0°C, its density decreases due to
a) cubic structure of ice
b) empty spaces present in structure of ice
c) change of bond lengths
d) change of bond angles

How many allotropic forms are present in carbon
a) 3
b) 4
c) 5
d) 2

NaCI is face centered cubic structure. The Na ion at the face of the unit cell is shared by
a) 1 unit cell
b) 2 unit cells
c) 4 unit cells
d) 8 unit cells

Diamond is a bad conductor of electricity because
a) it has a tight structure
b) it has a high density
c) there are no free electrons present in the diamond crystal to conduct electricity
d) none of these

Most Bravais lattices are of the type:
a) Primitive unit cell
b) Body centered unit cell
c) End centered unit cell
d) Face centered unit cell

Graphite is a common allotrope of Carbon. Its crystal structure is:
a) Cubic
b) monoclinic
c) Orthorhombic
d) hexagonal

Which of the following lattices has the highest void fraction?
a) Hexagonal close packed
b) Body centered cubic
c) Face centered cubic
d) Primitive cubic

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