Hiking In The Wilds Question Preview (ID: 46836)

Hiking In The Wilds. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is one difference between a day hike and backpacking trip?
a) You do not spend the night on a day hike.
b) You do not need to bring water on a day hike.
c) You do not get to see beautiful scenery on a day hike.

What equipment helps hikers so they don't get lost?
a) A map and a compass.
b) A water filter.
c) A first aid kit.

True or false: you should not drink water out of a stream when you are on a hike.
a) True
b) False

What is something that is the same between winter and summer hiking?
a) You get to see beautiful scenery in both types of hikes.
b) You need to wear heavy clothing in both types of hikes.
c) The daylight is the same in both types of hikes.

Why is it hard to hike at a high altitudes?
a) All of the above.
b) The air is thinner so it is hard to breathe.
c) There are less trees for shelter.
d) The winds are stronger.

Which type of hiking do you need to carry the most equipment?
a) Backpacking
b) Day hike
c) Summer hike

What is different about a summer hike and winter hike?
a) A summer hike is warmer than a winter hike.
b) A summer hike requires more equipment than a winter hike.
c) A summer has more beautiful scenery than a winter hike.

What do you think the author wants you to do after reading this book?
a) Try hiking for yourself
b) Tell other people about hiking
c) Go on a vacation

Why is it important to bring extra clothes on a summer hike?
a) In case the weather turns bad.
b) In case your clothes get taken by a bear.
c) In case an animal needs them to stay warm.

What does fluid mean?
a) A liquid that can flow.
b) A material that keeps heat in.
c) Something that people use to do things, also known as gear.

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