Holocaust Studies Semester 2 Test #2 Question Preview (ID: 46835)

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What did Hitler write while he was in prison for treason?
a) Mein Kampf
b) a poem showing his admiration for the USA
c) a cookbook
d) a letter of apology to the mayor of Munich

What was Kristallnacht?
a) An attack on the Brownshirt leadership carried out by the SS
b) Hitler's attempt to overthrow the German government
c) A 1938 Nazi ordered pogrom against the Jewish people
d) The final event of the Holocaust

What happened when Germany invaded Poland on September 1, 1939?
a) Poland stopped the German a
b) Britain and France declared war on Germany
c) Britain and France issued a strongly worded warning to Hitler
d) The United States declared war on Germany

Which of the following was Hitler's secret police force?
a) SA
b) SS
c) Brownshirts
d) Gestapo

How did Hitler plan to gain lebensraum for the German people?
a) By invading Poland and the Soviet Union
b) By sending Germans to live in Africa
c) By destroying big cities such as Berlin and Munich
d) By attacking U.S. territories in As

Which of the following terms means a section of a city where Jews were restricted to live behind fences, walls, and gates?
a) gestapo
b) luftwaffe
c) ghettos
d) lebensraum

Which of the following is misleading information that is used to promote a particular point of view?
a) pogrom
b) propaganda
c) fascism
d) fuhrer

What was the Nazi plan to commit mass murder of the Jewish people through death camps?
a) Lebensraum
b) Kristallnacht
c) Blitzkrieg
d) The Final Solution

What was the role of the Judenrat?
a) Protect the Jewish people from German actions
b) Arrest Hitler's enemies
c) Carry out German orders in Jewish ghettos
d) Operate concentration camps

What led the German people to lose the freedom of speech, freedom of press, and the right to assemble?
a) The Reichstag Fire
b) The Start of WWII
c) Kristallnacht
d) The End of WWII

What allowed Hitler to make any law that he wanted to?
a) Nuremberg Laws
b) Kristallnacht
c) Luftwaffe
d) Enabling Act

Which of the following is thought of as the first event of the Holocaust
a) Kristallnacht
b) Death of President Hindenburg
c) Hitler's arrest for treason
d) German invasion of Poland

What stripped German Jews of citizenship and declared marriages between Jews and non-Jews to be illegal?
a) Blitzkrieg
b) Nuremberg Laws
c) Enabling Act
d) Lebensraum

What did Hitler Youth groups do when they met?
a) vigorous exercises
b) held rallies
c) studied Nazi beliefs and racist theories
d) all of these

Which of the following was the name for the German air force?
a) Blitzkrieg
b) Lebensraum
c) Luftwaffe
d) Kristallnacht

Why did Hitler decide to seize power in Germany through legal democratic elections?
a) His attempt to overthrow the government with force failed
b) He strongly believed in democracy
c) So that he could gain the support of Britain, France, and the US
d) He was a peaceful man

What happened when President Hindenburg died in 1934?
a) Hitler took over leadership of the Nazi Party
b) Hitler became Fuhrer or supreme leader of Germany
c) The Holocaust began
d) World War II started in Europe

What term is used for a system of government in which people give up individual freedoms to be ruled by a dictator? It is also characterized by strong feelings of nationalism and identification of a common enemy.
a) democracy
b) luftwaffe
c) communism
d) fascism

What term is used for a person that takes actions to help a person that is being harmed?
a) Bystander
b) Victim
c) Upstander
d) Perpetrator

Which term is used for lightning war?
a) blitzkrieg
b) luftwaffe
c) kristallnacht
d) lebensraum

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