Set #9 - Vocabulary Question Preview (ID: 46831)

A Quiz To Help Students Prepare For Set #9 Vocabulary. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The ________ order was never brought up in the meeting because the employees, who had worked there for years, were already informed on how to act in the office.
a) tacit
b) trenchant
c) innocuous
d) stentorian

While going to Afghanistan, America’s _____ military planes soared over the desert making the sand vibrate.
a) stentorian
b) innocuous
c) tangible
d) tacit

The student asked when he was going to learn an ______ skill that he could use later in his life instead of the Pythagorean Theorem.
a) patent
b) trenchant
c) innocuous
d) applicable

The _____ baby would not sleep due to its unquenchable hunger and poopy diaper.
a) implacable
b) innocuous
c) tacit
d) tangible

The ______ mistake was not caught by the teacher when she was grading the test because it was quite minuscule.
a) innocuous
b) ruminate
c) patent
d) applicable

The tension in the air was so thick and present it was almost a _____ atmosphere.
a) applicable
b) prowess
c) tangible
d) implacable

The _____ interrogation techniques of the cop worked incredibly well, the criminal quickly admitting to the robbery.
a) ruminate
b) trenchant
c) tacit
d) innocuous

After Thomas Edison created the light-bulb, he obtained a _______ so no one else could take credit for it.
a) patent
b) stentorian
c) prowess
d) tacit

Some public speakers favor a ________ delivery and emphatic gestures to drive home their message to their listeners.
a) tangible
b) ruminate
c) stentorian
d) innocuous

When the ________ on a drug expires, any manufacturer may produce it.
a) patent
b) stentorian
c) tacit
d) trenchant

I heard what I thought were ________ warnings about Mrs. Hukill's policy on late work, but I learned that her warnings were, in fact, merited as I spent most of my time during Spring Break working on my English Work.
a) prowess
b) innocuous
c) implacable
d) applicable

After months of intensive negotiation, diplomats reported that they had made ________ progress toward reaching a settlement of the bitter dispute.
a) ruminate
b) applicable
c) innocuous
d) tangible

The people of the Arctic have shown that nature need not be a(n) ________ foe.
a) implacable
b) tangible
c) innocuous
d) tacit

The Greek hero Achilles won fame for his ________ in the Trojan War.
a) prowess
b) implacable
c) patent
d) stentorian

The neighbors had a ________ understanding that they would help each other in an emergency.
a) trenchant
b) tacit
c) innocuous
d) stentorian

The ________ English work will only help me in my future as reading and writing are each vital to my growth as a student and person.
a) ruminate
b) prowess
c) tangible
d) applicable

My mother's ________ warning about having all of my school work finished before Spring Break was absolute and threatened my upcoming solace.
a) implacable
b) tangible
c) trenchant
d) tacit

In old age many people sadly ________ on mistakes made and opportunities missed.
a) ruminate
b) trenchant
c) patent
d) stentorian

The athlete showed great _______ over the other members of his team when he made a shot from full court in the last seconds of the game.
a) tacit
b) prowess
c) ruminate
d) tangible

Tori _______(s) before playing softball because she needed to think about how she played in the last game and how she was going to avoid striking out again.
a) tacit
b) applicable
c) patent
d) ruminate

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