Ancient India Review Question Preview (ID: 46812)
Ancient India Review For Test.
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India is located on the continent of...
a) Africa
b) Asia
c) Europe
d) Australia
Geographically, India is considered...
a) island
b) mountain
c) subcontinent
d) valley
The major mountain range we studied in India is the ...
a) Himalaya
b) Alps
c) Caucus
d) The Rockies
Which of the following is NOT a river in India?
a) Tigris River
b) Brahmaputra River
c) Ganges River
d) Indus River
The weather pattern that shapes India's climate is...
a) hurricane
b) typhoon
c) tsunami
d) monsoon
The Indus Valley is also known as...
a) Fertile Crescent
b) Jewel of the Nile
c) Cradle of Civilization
d) None of the Above
The Indus River Valley is where what modern country stands today?
a) Pakistan
b) Turkey
c) Tibet
d) India
Both Mohenjo-Daro and Harrappa had the same number of citizens roughly
a) 3,500
b) 300,500
c) 35,000
d) 3.5 million
The Indus Valley streets were paved with ....
a) asphalt
b) oven-baked bricks
c) tiles
d) stones
What is NOT a material used by the Indus Valley to make jewelry?
a) shell
b) silver
c) gold
d) ivory
When did the Indus Valley people abandon the area?
a) 1900 BC
b) 1900 AD
c) 500 BC
d) 500 AD
What group migrated to India?
a) Romans
b) Egyptians
c) Aztecs
d) Aryans
Why did the Indus people leave?
a) no one knows for sure
b) attack
c) hurricanes
d) better land elsewhere
What did the Aryans originally raise for food?
a) cattle
b) sheep
c) goats
d) chickens
Aryans created to tools to clear the land made from what?
a) copper
b) steel
c) iron
d) gold
Why did the Aryans quit eating cattle?
a) decided they were sacred
b) mad cow disease
c) couldn't raise enough
d) found alternate food sources
Aryans lived in what kind of groups?
a) family groups
b) city-states
c) classes
d) tribes
The leader of a tribe was a...
a) guru
b) lama
c) raja
d) Veda
The Aryans developed what language?
a) Hieroglyphics
b) Sanskrit
c) Aramaic
d) Latin
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