Mammals And Birds Question Preview (ID: 46808)

4/17/2019 Test. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The internal skeleton of mammals is called a(n)
a) exoskeleton
b) endoskeleton
c) hard skeleton
d) soft skeleton

Mammals usually undergo ______________ reproduction.
a) sexual
b) asexual
c) disexual
d) trisexual

The protein that makes up hair, fingernails, and claws is called
a) myoglobin
b) hemoglobin
c) collagen
d) keratin

Chiroptera is an order that which organism belongs to?
a) Bats
b) Birds
c) Bears
d) Boars

Which animal is a mammal?
a) Whale
b) Trout
c) Bald eagle
d) Snowy owl

Members of Aves are
a) Marsupials
b) Mammals
c) Birds
d) Echidnas

Egg-laying mammals are called
a) Monotremes
b) Birds
c) Humans
d) Bears

Teeth used for grinding up food
a) Canines
b) Molars
c) Incisors
d) Carnivores

Feathers that keep a bird warm are considered ___________.
a) down
b) fuzzy
c) thick
d) dirty

Flight feathers are called _____________ feathers.
a) wind
b) flight
c) contour
d) curved

An example of a marsupial is a(n)
a) Koala
b) Human
c) Platypus
d) Bear

The echidna is a(n)
a) oppossum
b) marsupial
c) monotreme
d) bird

When an unborn organism has an umbilical cord, its nutrient supply comes from the _________________.
a) placenta
b) fetus
c) uterus
d) stomach

Place where milk is produced in a placental mammal
a) Mammary gland
b) Hormonal gland
c) Pituitary gland
d) Milk gland

Another word for the egg-white is the
a) yolk
b) albumen
c) shell membrane
d) embryo

Birds receive oxygen while exhaling from stores in their ______________.
a) air sacs
b) lungs
c) blood
d) nostrils

Many bones in bird wings have _________ between them, enabling the organism to fly.
a) air spaces
b) extracellular fluid
c) blood
d) water

Birds may consume food and store it in their __________.
a) stomach
b) crop
c) gizzard
d) intestine

The rhinoceros is an example of a(n)
a) hoofed mammal
b) gnawing mammal
c) flying mammal
d) erect mammal

The gorilla is an example of a(n)
a) gnawing mammal
b) hoofed mammal
c) flying mammal
d) erect mammal

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