Lesson 6/7 Volcano Summative Review Question Preview (ID: 46802)

Lesson 6/7 Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

This type of volcano tends to be very wide at the base, but short. It is formed by quick-moving lava flows that cool rapdily.
a) Shield
b) Composite
c) Cinder Cone

These volcanoes form from alternating layers of pyroclastic materials and lava. They tend to be very steep and massive.
a) Shield
b) Composite
c) Cinder Cone

These volcanoes tend to be small, with relatively steep sides, but not particularly tall. They form when the shattered rock of the mountain accumulates in layers.
a) Shield
b) Composite
c) Cinder Cone

A volcano that is awake
a) Active
b) Dormant
c) Extinct

A volcano that is sleeping, but will wake up at some point.
a) Active
b) Dormant
c) Extinct

A volcano that is sleeping forever.
a) Active
b) Dormant
c) Extinct

Main path for magma to travel out of a volcano from underground.
a) Vent
b) Crater
c) Magma Chamber
d) Lava Flow

Location underground where magma is stored
a) Magma Chamber
b) Vent
c) Crater
d) Pyroclastic

Steep indentation at the top of a volcano
a) Vent
b) Magma Chamber
c) Pyroclastic
d) Crater

Tiny, pulverized rock fragments
a) Magma
b) Lava
c) Ash
d) Volcano

Hot gases, rock pieces, crystals, glass, pumice, etc., that is ejected from a volcano at immense speeds
a) Ash
b) Lava Flow
c) Magma Chamber
d) Pyroclastic Flow

Molten rock above Earth's surface
a) Magma
b) Lava
c) Ash
d) Pyroclastic

Volcanoes only result in destruction, and there are never any positive results of a volcanic eruption.
a) False
b) True

The largest type of volcano in height. These volcanoes have very loud, large explosions.
a) Shield
b) Composite
c) Cinder Cone

This type of volcano has very quiet eruptions and the lava flows quickly.
a) Cinder Cone
b) Composite
c) Shield

This is a hole left by the collapse of a volcanic mountain.
a) Caldera
b) Magma Chamber
c) Vent
d) Fissure

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