CH.7 Changes In The Western World Question Preview (ID: 46798)

CH.7 Changes In The Western World. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

People began to have great faith in the power of reason during the ____________________.
a) Enlightenment
b) Industrial Revolution
c) Reformation
d) Imperialism

The military clash between forces loyal to King Charles I and the forces of Parliament is known as the ________________.
a) English Civil War
b) American Civil War
c) Reformation
d) Imperialism

The period during which the production of goods shifted from simple tools to complex machines is called the _________________.
a) Industrial Revolution
b) English Civil War
c) Reformation
d) Enlightenment

The French legal system based on Enlightenment ideas is known as the ___________________.
a) Napoleonic Code
b) Nationalism
c) Imperialism
d) Elizabethan Code

When European countries set up empires of colonies in Africa and Asia, they were practicing ________________.
a) Imperialism
b) Napoleonic Code
c) Enlightenment
d) Reign of Terror

After the Scientific Revolution, scientists no longer made their ideas about science fit
a) the teachings of the Church.
b) the teachings of the King.
c) their observations in nature.
d) results of the experiments

John Locke said government was based on an agreement between rulers and
a) the people
b) God
c) the Church
d) science

Which European country had a monarch who had to share power with Parliament?
a) England
b) Spain
c) Germany
d) Russia

In return for offering the British throne to William and Mary, it was demanded that all laws had to be approved by
a) Parliament
b) Napoleon
c) King James
d) the Catholic Church

After Louis XVI was executed, Maximilien Robespierre led the Committee of Public Safety in carrying out what became known as the
a) Reign of Terror
b) English Civil War
c) Hundred Years' War
d) Industrial Revolution

What was one positive result of the Industrial Revolution?
a) More people were able to move into the middle class.
b) People were able to stay home with their children.
c) Women only had to work in the summer and fall.
d) Poor farmers could afford to buy large machinery.

What was one negative result of the Industrial Revolution?
a) Parents sometimes had to put their children to work in factories.
b) Fewer people could afford to buy textiles.
c) Many merchants went out of business.
d) The size of the middle class decreased.

Under Napoleon, the laws of France became
a) the same for all citizens.
b) more complicated.
c) the same as those of the Catholic Church.
d) different for the rich and the poor.

The major countries of Europe set up colonies in Africa and Asia in order
a) to get raw materials and sell goods.
b) to spread the ideas of the Enlightenment.
c) to spread the ideas of the Reformation.
d) to prevent the loss of monarchs' power.

Among the group of people who agreed with John Locke's ideas were
a) the colonists in North America.
b) the rulers of Germany.
c) the Spanish imperialists.
d) the clergy.

The period of the French Revolution during which many people were executed for opposing the revolution.
a) Reign of Terror
b) Scientific Method
c) Napoleonic Code
d) English Civil War

A textile industry makes ______________.
a) cloth
b) glass
c) paper
d) rubber

A feeling of pride in one's country and a desire for its independence.
a) Nationalism
b) Philosophes
c) Imperialism
d) Napoleonic Code

A method involving careful observation of nature, and in some sciences, controlled experiments.
a) Scientific Method
b) Reign of Terror
c) English Bill of Rights
d) philosophes

Acts passed by Parliament guaranteeing certain rights of English people.
a) English of Bill of Rights
b) Scientific Method
c) Textile Industry
d) Nationalism

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