Prefixes And Root Words Question Preview (ID: 46781)

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a) speak
b) listen
c) sound
d) write

a) poison
b) life
c) under
d) far away

a) under
b) sound
c) opposite
d) before

a) out of
b) to see
c) across
d) reduce

a) not
b) self
c) year
d) action

a) earth
b) life
c) map
d) globe

a) male
b) female
c) foot
d) hand

a) month
b) year
c) day
d) always

What is the root word meaning ruler or chief
a) geo
b) act
c) man
d) arch

What is the root word meaning to watch
a) scope
b) scoop
c) vis
d) wat

prefix meaning before or in front of
a) ab-
b) pro-
c) con-
d) ante-

prefix meaning under
a) sub-
b) pre-
c) anti-
d) fore-

Suffix meaning action
a) -ize
b) -ent
c) -ology
d) -ity

suffix meaning relating to
a) -il
b) -it
c) -ic
d) -in

root word meaning to write
a) scrib
b) tran
c) wri
d) boun

root word meaning water
a) wat
b) hydr
c) sea
d) cean

root word meaning carry
a) trans
b) car
c) port
d) chron

root word meaning heat
a) fir
b) spec
c) hea
d) therm

a) clean
b) suck
c) tool
d) empty

prefix meaning not
a) in-
b) no-
c) not-
d) si-

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