Math Vocabulary Question Preview (ID: 46773)

Math Vocabulary. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

a number which can only be divided by 1 and itself
a) composite
b) prime

greater than, less than, or equal to
a) simplify
b) comparing 2 numbers
c) reduce

any number that has more than 2 factors
a) Composite
b) Prime

add all sides
a) volume
b) area
c) perimeter

making a whole number a fraction
a) walk around texas
b) divide
c) over 1

length x width
a) volume
b) area
c) perimeter

to write a fraction or expression in simplest form
a) simplify
b) divide
c) multiply
d) subtract

to combine two or more numbers
a) subtract
b) multiply
c) divide
d) add

the value of the place of a digit in a number
a) rounding
b) reduce
c) place value
d) hundreds

a fraction whose numerator is larger than the denominator
a) numerator
b) mixed number
c) denominator
d) improper fraction

length x width x height
a) volume
b) area
c) perimeter

the bottom number in a fraction
a) numerator
b) denominator
c) improper fraction
d) mixed number

repeated addition, to add again and again
a) multiplication
b) addition
c) subtraction
d) division

to separate or group
a) multiplication
b) addition
c) multiplication
d) division

having the same value
a) simplify
b) equivalent
c) reduce

the top number in a fraction
a) numerator
b) improper fraction
c) denominator
d) mixed number

keep, change, flip (used for dividing fractions)
a) KFC
b) FCK
c) KCF

the point (0,0) where the x-axis and y-axis intersect in a coordinate plane
a) run before you jump
b) zero
c) origin

a whole number with a fraction
a) simplify
b) reduce
c) round

four or less, let it rest / five or more, raise the score
a) improper fraction
b) proper fraction
c) mixed number

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