Inference Test #2 Question Preview (ID: 46772)

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Every day after work Paul took his muddy boots off at the door.
a) He works as a lawyer.
b) He works as a doctor.
c) He teaches PE in a small town school.
d) He cuts trees down in a forest.

You are walking outside and go past the cafeteria door and have to step over a face down slice of pizza.
a) There was a food fight.
b) Someone had trouble carrying the pizza outside.
c) Someone was mad about the taste of the pizza.
d) The custodian didn't come to work because he was sick.

Our family raises honeybees. This spring one of our hives was destroyed and claw marks were seen on the hive.
a) A bear destroyed the hive.
b) My brother destroyed the hive.
c) A cat destroyed the hive.
d) A dog destroyed the hive.

Turner almost wished he hadn't listened to the radio. He went to the closet and grabbed his umbrella. He felt silly carrying it on a bright sunny day.
a) Turner has a fear of the radio.
b) Turner had promised himself to do something silly that morning.
c) Turner planned to trade his umbrella for a bus ride.
d) Turner had heard on the radio that it was going to rain.

Larry's boss told him was very interesting working with him, but the company's needs and his style were not well matched.
a) His boss would feel bad if he quit.
b) He was being fired.
c) He was getting a raise in pay.
d) His boss really enjoyed him working at the company.

No, honey. I don't want you spending a lot of money on my present. Having you as a husband is all I need. I will just drive my crappy car to the store and hope it doesn't break down.
a) I don't love my husband.
b) I want a new car.
c) Driving to the store in a car that might break down is a fun gamble.
d) I may never come back from the store.

Bill and Jessica were almost done taking turns choosing the players for their teams. It was Jessica's turn to choose and only Kurt was left.
a) Jessica was inconsiderate of Kurt's feelings.
b) Jessica wanted Kurt on her team.
c) Kurt was the best player on either team.
d) Kurt is not a very good player.

Avery watched as her new neighbors moved in. She saw a tall man carrying a bicycle and a kayak into the garage. She also saw a young woman carrying a surfboard through the front door.
a) Her new neighbors are elderly.
b) Her new neighbors have several children.
c) Her new neighbors like to spend time outdoors.
d) Hr new neighbors are kind and generous.

Kayla made a steak dinner for her family. Her mom and dad each ate two full steaks and had large helpings of potatoes. When the meal was over, everyone's plate was empty.
a) Her family enjoyed the meal.
b) The steak was too well done.
c) A steak dinner is an easy meal to make.
d) There will be lots of leftovers.

Alexander arrived at his grandmother's house at ten o'clock at night. He saw her car in the driveway and the front door was open. The window was lit with a blue flickering lights.
a) His grandmother was reading a book.
b) His grandmother was not home.
c) His grandmother was sleeping.
d) His grandmother was watching television.

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