Earth's Water Features Question Preview (ID: 46768)

This Assessment Will Test Students On The Various Water Features Found On Earth. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which of the following is the largest body of water on earth?
a) Lakes
b) Oceans
c) Rivers
d) Glaciers

Which is not a main water feature of the earth?
a) Rivers
b) Oceans
c) Lakes
d) Waterfalls

Lakes can be...
a) Fresh or salt water
b) Huge chunks of solid ice
c) Constantly rapidly moving
d) Only salt water

Rivers are...
a) Surrounding continents
b) Formed by glaciers
c) Found in extremely cold areas
d) Large streams of water that flow across the land

Glaciers are found in what two areas?
a) North and South pole
b) The United States and Asia
c) Australia and Africa
d) Europe and South America

Which of the following is not an ocean?
a) Artic
b) Pacific
c) Mississippi
d) Atlantic

Rivers hold what kind of water?
a) Salt and fresh waster
b) Saltwater
c) Freshwater
d) Flavored water

Continents are surrounded by what type of water feature?
a) Glaciers
b) Oceans
c) Lakes
d) Rivers

Lakes are...
a) Large streams of water that flow across the land
b) Huge chunks of solid ice
c) The largest bodies of water on earth
d) Large bodies of water surrounded by land

Glaciers move...
a) Very slowly
b) Quickly and rapidly
c) Do not move
d) In waves

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