Evolution And Fossils Question Preview (ID: 46764)

In Leui Of Evolution Test. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

How is natural selection in the evolution of long necks in giraffes best explained?
a) Giraffes with longer necks adapted to their environment.
b) Their necks grew longer because of bones.
c) The long necked giraffes killed the short necked giraffes.
d) Long necked giraffes only mate with long necked giraffes.

Darwin noted many of the islands on the Galapagos Islands were-
a) Starving because of water pollution.
b) Much smaller than animals on the mainland.
c) Identical to animals on the mainland.
d) Similar but not always identical to animals on the mainland.

Dinosaurs that lived on the Earth millions of years ago are no longer alive today. We call them-
a) endangered
b) extinct
c) threatened
d) dying

Sometimes bones in the front limbs of animals have a similar structure. What do we call similar bone structures that indicate a link to a common ancestor?
a) absolute dating
b) adaptations
c) homologous structures
d) gradualism

Which would NOT likely be used as evidence of evolution?
a) intelligence
b) fossils
c) homologous structures
d) similarities in DNA

When looking at two tree frogs of the same species, a slight difference was observed within members of the same species. This is called-
a) fossils
b) cloning
c) variations
d) replicating

Two birds were originally of the same species. Over time, the two birds began to live in different environments and eat different foods. What were changes in beaks caused by?
a) extinction
b) clones
c) variations
d) mutations

What most likely happened to species that are found in the fossil record but have no living members?
a) They mutated to other species.
b) They never really existed.
c) They had offspring of a different species.
d) They became extinct.

The preserved remains or physical evidence of an organism that lived in the past are called-
a) fossils
b) evolutionary features
c) variations
d) homologous structures

A certain species of red fox will vomit before fleeing from a predator in order to move at a faster pace. This is a-
a) genetic variation that leads to diversity
b) reason why species become extincted
c) behavior that enables a species to survive
d) mutation that is an inheritable change

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