Indefinite Pronouns (some, Any, Every, No Compounds) Question Preview (ID: 46673)

Choose The Correct Indefinite Pronoun To Complete The Sentences. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

There is ... in the bathrom at the moment; we can't go in.
a) anyone
b) someone
c) something
d) nobody

I am bored. There isn't ... to do here
a) anything
b) something
c) nothing
d) anywhere

I'm bored. There is ... to do here
a) anything
b) something
c) nothing
d) everyone

I can't find my glasses ...!
a) anywhere
b) anyone
c) nowhere
d) something

The party was great and .... had a good time.
a) someone
b) no one
c) everything
d) everyone

We need to buy ... for Joe's birthday.
a) something
b) someone
c) everywhere
d) anybody

Let's go .... different on holiday this year!
a) something
b) anywhere
c) somewhere
d) everything

She was so hungry that she ate ... that was on her plate and asked for some more.
a) everything
b) something
c) anyone
d) nothing

She didn't say ... about the late delivery of her order.
a) nothing
b) anywhere
c) something
d) anything

All my family has gone to the festival. There is ... at home.
a) anybody
b) nobody
c) something
d) everyone

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