Density Review Question Preview (ID: 46630)

Review Of Calculating Density And Vocabulary. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Mass is
a) the amount of matter in an object
b) the amount of matter in a certain amount of space
c) the force of gravity on an object
d) the amount of space an object takes up

Volume is
a) the amount of matter in an object
b) the amount of matter in a certain amount of space
c) the force of gravity on an object
d) the amount of space an object takes up

Density is
a) the amount of matter in an object
b) the amount of matter in a certain amount of space
c) the force of gravity on an object
d) the amount of space an object takes up

The more dense an object is...
a) the more atoms it has packed into a given volume
b) the higher the mass is
c) the higher the volume is
d) the more likely it is to float

Volume is usually measured in
a) meters
b) mL
c) grams
d) legs

If an object has a mass of 25g and a volume of 5 cm3, what is the density?
a) 2 g/cm3
b) 5 g/cm3
c) 4 g/cm3
d) 3 g/cm3

Mass is measured with what units?
a) grams
b) vennes
c) meters
d) liters

What two measurements do you need to calculate density?
a) Mass and weight
b) Volume and mass
c) Weight and volume
d) Weight and time

Which of the following is the correct units for density?
a) oz/mL
b) mL/g
c) g/kg
d) g/mL

The density of a block of wood with a volume of 50 cubic cm and a mass of 100 grams is...
a) 500 g/cm3
b) 5000 g/cm3
c) 2 g/cm3
d) 0.5 g/cm3

The correct explanation of why ice floats is that, compared to liquid water, solid ice
a) is lighter
b) is more dense
c) is heavier
d) is less dense

If mass = 15 grams and volume = 5 mL, what is the density?
a) 0.33 g/mL
b) 3 g/mL
c) 75 g/mL
d) 15 g/mL

Density is equal to:
a) volume divided by mass
b) mass divided by volume
c) mass times volume
d) distance times time

If a solid object is cut in half its density will
a) increase
b) decrease
c) become zero
d) stay the same

Density determines whether an object will
a) melt or freeze
b) sink or float
c) push or pull
d) become a solid or a gas

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