Astronomy 1 Review-Part 3 Question Preview (ID: 46629)

Astronomy 1 Review-Part 3. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

_____ of the Moon is always lit by the Sun.
a) All
b) Half
c) Most
d) None

The Moon is in the sky about _____ hours of each 24 hour period (day and night).
a) 2
b) 6
c) 12
d) 24

The Earth revolves around the sun _____ and the moon revolves around the Earth _____.
a) clockwise, counter-clockwise
b) counter-clockwise, clockwise
c) clockwise, clockwise
d) counter-clockwise, counter-clockwise

What two forces create an orbit?
a) gravity and inertia
b) gravity and orbit
c) orbit and inertia
d) rotation and revolution

As the Earth revolves around the sun, the tilt of Earth's axis _____
a) stays the same or does not change
b) always points toward the sun
c) changes between moving and not moving
d) is something we cannot prove exists

During the summer in Missouri, Earth's axis points _____.
a) away from the sun
b) towards the sun
c) 90 degrees to the right of the sun
d) 90 degrees to the left of the sun

During the month of April, the sun rises _____.
a) at the same time as it did the day before
b) earlier than the day before
c) later than the day before
d) when it wants to

During the month of April, the sun sets _____.
a) at the same time as it did the day before
b) earlier than the day before
c) later than the day before
d) when it wants to

During the month of April, we receive ____.
a) less daylight than the day before
b) more daylight than the day before
c) the same amount of daylight than the day before
d) the same amount of daylight for the whole month of April

The moon rises _____ and sets _____ each day.
a) earlier, earlier
b) earlier, later
c) later, later
d) later, earlier

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