7.02 Apply One-Dimensional Arrays Question Preview (ID: 46621)

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What is a “container” that holds more than one value?
a) array
b) variable
d) Sub Procedure

What is each value in an array?
a) Try Catch
b) web servers
c) syntax
d) element

What is a number that indicates the position of an element in an array?
a) symbols
b) Index
c) downtime, logic and runtime
d) Watch Window

What is two arrays that are related by the index positions?
a) modularization
b) color
c) parallel arrays
d) URL

What is the keyword to re-declare an array?
a) ReDim
b) Dim
c) btn
d) str

What is the keyword to keep existing values in an array?
a) modularization
b) array
c) syntax
d) Preserve

What is the index of the first item in an array?
a) 0
b) 2
c) 3
d) 1

What does the Length property of an array do?
a) Returns the number of elements in an array
b) Returns the number of variables in an array
c) Returns the number
d) Stop

A Dim statement declaring an array called strNames that has 4 String elements is:
a) End Sub
b) Dim dblGrade As Double
c) Dim strNames
d) Dim strNames (3) As String

In the statement Dim strNames(4) As String, how many elements are automatically initialized?
a) 55
b) 5
c) 0
d) 1

What is a dynamic array?
a) You can re-declare and keep an array so that you can change the size
b) You can re-declare it and leave
c) You can re-declare and keep an array so that you cannot change the size
d) Create a new form

What is a linear search?
a) Looking through an variable from first,middle and last for a value.
b) Looking through an array from first to last for a value.
c) Searching in descending order (last to first).
d) Looking out the window

How do you pass an array to a sub?
a) Call
b) Call subName
c) Call subName(ArrayName)
d) Call (ArrayName)

What happens if Kim creates an array of her friends’ names, then ReDim’s the array without the keyword Preserve?
a) Loses existing values.
b) Log off and log back in
c) Create a new form
d) Rename her form to 'Preserve'

How do you write a declaration for an array named intAges that initially stores 14, 16, 17, 15, and 18?
a) Dim 14, 16, 17, 15, 18
b) Dim intAges() As Integer = 14, 16, 17, 15, 18
c) Dim intAges() As Integer = 14, 16, 17, 15, 18
d) Dim intAges() As Integer 14, 16, 17, 15, 18

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