Commas Review Question Preview (ID: 46619)

A Culmination Of Comma Rules. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which test shows apposition, or a way to explain what something means, correctly.
a) My teacher Miss Miskin is the best in the world!
b) Abi, a boy in my class just got a new haircut.
c) Justice is also a girl in our class.
d) Every student in my class, all 24 of them, are amazing!

Which sentence is a good example of how to use a comma in a direct dress?
a) Tyce did you, read this question?
b) Will you be picking me up after school, Mom?
c) How many fingers am I holding up Fabian?
d) Is Mikayla, going to get 100% on her math test?

Which sentence uses a comma to correctly set off a tag question?
a) You have already done, your math homework haven't you?
b) Chocolate, is the best food isn't it?
c) My hair looks cute like this, don't you think?
d) Target is the best store don't you, agree?

Which sentence correctly uses a comma to set off a word from the rest of the sentence?
a) Yes, my grandma is coming to Grandparent's Day.
b) Well you, are no fun.
c) Aw your little dog is so cute.
d) Well I think, we need to talk to Mrs. Poppernickle about that.

Which sentence correctly uses a comma to set apart a dependent clause from the independent clause, making it an introductory phrase?
a) My brother is a funny kid, because he tells the best jokes.
b) Although she was older than I was, we had a lot in common.
c) Now, that I think about it, maybe we should do our homework first.
d) Let's start a movie even though it's late.

Which sentence correctly uses commas to separate items in a list?
a) We needed to wear a jacket sweater, and gloves to keep warm.
b) Kaitlyn loved to wear flip, flops, sneakers, and boots.
c) We bought markers, crayons, pencils, and paper, at the office supply sale.
d) Grace brought sunglasses, sunscreen, and a beach ball to the pool.

Choose the sentence that uses commas correctly.
a) Yes that is a great idea!
b) My favorite food is chocolate, chocolate, and more chocolate.
c) My mom Martha, is a great seamstress.
d) Ew some vegetables can be so gross!

Which sentence uses a comma INCORRECTLY?
a) The other day, my sister baked the best chocolate chip cookies.
b) How are you, Jane?
c) I like to ride around the path on my rollerblades, bike and, scooter.
d) Because I like chocolate so much, I have to work out a lot!

Choose the best place to put the commas in the sentence.
a) Mrs. Orton's favorite team, the Seattle Seahawks, are going to the Super Bowl!
b) Mrs. Orton's favorite team the, Seattle Seahawks, are going to the Super Bowl!
c) Mrs. Orton's favorite team the Seattle Seahawks, are going to the Super Bowl!
d) Mrs. Orton's favorite team, the Seattle, Seahawks are going to the Super Bowl!

Click the sentence that uses commas correctly.
a) Who, may I ask is running the show here?
b) Finally Idaho, is very well known for growing potatoes.
c) Although this has been fun, it is time to do something else.
d) Jacob what are you doing here, may I ask?

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