Food Chains And Food Webs Question Preview (ID: 46618)

Producers, Consumers, Decomposers. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

A plant with shallow roots, leaves with a waxy coating, and roots that release nutrients into the soil belong to which type of environment?
a) swamp
b) arctic
c) desert
d) forest

Which animals would most likely NOT live in the tundra, where it is very cold and has little rain?
a) arctic fox
b) snowy owl
c) polar bear
d) alligator

What is a herbivore?
a) a meat eater (eats other animals)
b) a plant eater
c) eats both, plants and animals
d) a tiger

What do the arrows in a food chain represent?
a) the direction of the flow of energy
b) points toward what an organism is eating
c) energy being lost
d) the movement of the organisms

What is most likely to happen to the plants in a rain forest during a severe drought?
a) The plants will quickly adapt
b) The plants will grow taller
c) The plants will wilt and may die
d) The plants will sprout new leaves

What is a carnivore?
a) a meat eater (eats other animals)
b) a plant eater
c) eats both plants and animals
d) a rabbit

What is an omnivore
a) a meat eater (eats other animals)
b) a plant eater
c) eats both, plants and animals
d) a lion

If an owl eats mice and the population of the owl doubles, what is most likely to happen to the population of the mice?
a) it will move to a different ecosystem
b) it will decrease
c) it will become overpopulated
d) it will increase

Which of the following is NOT needed for a producer to make its own food?
a) carbon dioxide
b) oxygen
c) water
d) sunlight

When an invasive species enters an ecosystem and feeds on the same plants the existing organisms eat, what would most likely happen to that ecosystem?
a) population of the plants would increase
b) they would overgraze the land
c) predators of native animals would move to new locations
d) there would be an increase in the availability of food

Which shows an example of an organism interacting with both, living and nonliving elements of its ecosystem?
a) hiding behind a rock and using heat from the sun to stay warm
b) hopping over a rock and digging in the dirt
c) hunting food to eat and hiding in the leaves of a tree
d) eating grass in a field and drinking water from a pond

Where does most of a plant's energy come from?
a) sunlight
b) air
c) water
d) animals

Which is an example of an organism interacting with nonliving elements in its environment?
a) a frog hiding in leaves
b) a lizard eating a mealworm
c) a fish swimming through the water
d) a deer eating grass

If bears eat fish for their main source of energy, what would most likely happen to the bear population if the fish population doubled?
a) the bears would move to different ponds
b) the bear population would decrease
c) the bears would have more babies
d) the bear population would increase

Which organism is a producer?
a) deer
b) grasses
c) hawk
d) squirrel

What do producers need to make their own food?
a) heat, carbon dioxide, water
b) sunlight, carbon dioxide, water
c) sunlight, oxygen, water
d) heat, carbon dioxide, oxygen

How do consumers get their food?
a) they can make their own food
b) they use sunlight and carbon dioxide for food
c) from other organisms
d) they can make their own food OR get it from other organisms

Does the sun still provide energy to plants, even if they are under water?
a) yes
b) no

Which is a decomposer?
a) mushroom
b) parsley
c) caterpillar
d) bird

Which is a producer?
a) mushroom
b) parsley
c) caterpillar
d) bird

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