Ch 8 Question Preview (ID: 46603)

Microhabitats, Ecological Succession, Biomes. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

When a rabbit uses a palm leaf for shade from the noonday sun, it is interacting with a/an __________.
a) limiting factor
b) biodiverse factor
c) abiotic factor
d) biotic factor

Which biome is where grasses are the dominant plants?
a) grass biome
b) grassland
c) prairieland
d) prairie biome

Which biome receives large amounts of rain and has dense growths of tall, leafy trees?
a) tropical rain forest
b) temperate rain forest
c) grassland
d) deciduous forest

Which biome receives very little rain?
a) taiga
b) deciduous forest
c) desert
d) tropical rain forest

How do lichens contribute to primary succession?
a) helps with repopulation by attracting animals that eat lichen to the area
b) creates energy through photosynthesis for herbivores to consume
c) produces seeds that will grow into trees
d) break down rock to form soil

The variety of life in the world or in a particular habitat or ecosystem.
a) biodiversity
b) biological
c) biogeographical
d) biogenous

Factors that are physical rather than biological factors.
a) biotic
b) carrying capacity
c) limiting factors
d) abiotic

A geographic area on Earth that contains ecosystems with similar biotic and abiotic features.
a) succession
b) watershed
c) ecosystem
d) biome

Relates to or results from living things, especially in their ecological relations.
a) abiotic
b) biotic
c) limiting factor
d) carrying capacity

How are microhabitats best able to support a variety of organisms?
a) they all have oceans
b) they have similar biotic and abiotic factors
c) they all have large amounts of rain
d) they all have primary succession

temperature, light, air, water, and sun are all _______ parts of the environment
a) limiting
b) biotic
c) abiotic
d) eutrophication

What makes an ecosystem sustainable?
a) high biodiversity
b) a high carrying capacity for deer
c) high numbers of individuals in a population
d) water resources

What is NOT an example of a freshwater ecosystem?
a) biome
b) community
c) microhabitat
d) ecosystem

A collection of organisms that belong to different populations but all live in the same area and interact with one another is a _____.
a) ocean
b) stream/river
c) wetland
d) pond

What is the first species to colonize new or undisturbed land?
a) primary species
b) climax species
c) pioneer species
d) secondary species

What is the final result when freshwater ecosystems change?
a) climax community
b) aquatic succession
c) land ecosystem
d) stable community

What happens if an existing ecosystem is destroyed?
a) primary succession
b) aquatic succession
c) pioneer succession
d) secondary succession

Which is NOT a biotic factor?
a) insect
b) tree
c) rock
d) dead hog

Which catastrophic event will NOT have the effect of returning an ecosystem to primary succession?
a) tornado
b) volcanic eruption
c) meteor strike
d) glacial retreat

After a volcanic eruption, lava covers the land. What is the order that plants grow to repopulate the area?
a) annual plants, grasses, hardwood trees, shrubs
b) grasses, annual plants, shrubs, trees
c) lichen, grasses, shrubs, trees
d) small annual plants, grasses, shrubs, hardwood trees

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