Colonial America Question Preview (ID: 46597)

Colonial America. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Slavery and indentured servitude were both forms of labor which were used in colonial America. How were indentured servants different from slaves?
a) Indentured servants were freed after a set number of years.
b) Indentured servants earned higher wages than slaves.
c) Indentured servants could hire slaves to do their work.
d) Indentured servants did not perform manual labor.

Mercantilism was an economic system developed by European countries in the 16th century. One of the basic principles of mercantilism was that countries needed to have wealth in order to have power. What role did slavery play in the mercantile system?
a) Slave labor made it possible for industrialization to take place in Europe.
b) European countries spent all of their wealth on slaves, and their power diminished.
c) Slave labor enabled European countries to earn huge profits on crops grown in the Americas.
d) Europeans found that slave labor was quite inefficient and not profitable.

Slavery does away with fathers, as it does away with families. Slavery has no use for either fathers or families, and its laws do not recognize their existence in the social arrangements of the plantation. —Frederick Douglass What does this mean?
a) Slave families stayed together on plantations.
b) Laws protected slaves who had children.
c) Most slaves never knew their fathers.
d) Many slaves were split up from their families.

Which of the following is one of the reasons why so many slaves were brought from Africa to be used on plantations in North and South America?
a) There were not any jobs in Africa for slaves to perform.
b) Slaves were the most dedicated workers on the plantations.
c) There were not enough people to work on the plantations in the Americas.
d) Slaves were the only people capable of working on plantations.

What term is used to describe the journey of African slaves across the Atlantic Ocean?
a) Middle Passage
b) Northwest Passage
c) Long Passage
d) Great Passage

had one central leader • had a unicameral legislature: a group of people that made laws • allowed colonists some religious freedom • colonists had some freedom and rights What type of government is explained?
a) republic
b) limited government
c) imperial government
d) monarchy

What principle of government did the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut establish in Connecticut in 1639?
a) womans right to vote
b) how to treat other citizens
c) trade policies with Native Americans
d) the election of government leaders.

Which was a European work that influenced the United States government?
a) Stamp Act
b) Magna Carta
c) Mayflower Compact
d) Two treaties

In colonial elections, colonists were able to vote for people in which position?
a) members of the English Parliament
b) the colonial legislature
c) president of the colonies
d) the king of England

Plymouth Colony was originally founded by a group of people called Pilgrims. Since Plymouth did not have an official charter from England, its government was based on which document?
a) US Constitution
b) Mayflower Compact
c) Fundemental Orders of Connecticut
d) Articles of Confederation

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