Indian Summer Sun Section Test Question Preview (ID: 46595)

Unit 4, Section 3 Test. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Why does Cristina like the evergreen trees?
a) She likes the smell of pine.
b) They are a beautiful dark green.
c) She knows what they are called in English.
d) They remind her of the palm trees in Puerto Rico.

Why does Cristina's mother encourage her to spend time with Kathy? She wants Cristina to ___________
a) learn to dance.
b) practice speaking English.
c) improve her algebra skills.
d) share her memories of Puerto Rico.

Why does Cristina go to Kathy's party?
a) She promised her mother she would go.
b) She feels comfortable with Kathy.
c) She is hoping to dance with Jerry.
d) She is too shy to say no.

Astronauts ____ by a team of researchers.
a) is trained
b) am trained
c) are trained
d) was training

I _______ with an award by my teacher.
a) presented
b) is presented
c) are presented
d) was presented

Last week, Nicole ______ by her group to be the recorder.
a) is asked
b) am asked
c) was asked
d) were asked

Many questions ___________ at the meeting yesterday.
a) asked
b) is asked
c) are asked
d) were asked

Everyday the horses ______ food and water.
a) are given
b) am given
c) was gived
d) was given

Careful notes were ____ by researchers.
a) kept
b) is kept
c) are kept
d) are keeped

Which word means a chance to do something?
a) opportunity
b) remind
c) refuse
d) adjustment

Which word means two people who are together?
a) couple
b) opportunity
c) ignore
d) perspective

Which word means to focus on something?
a) concentrate
b) opportunity
c) couple
d) adjustment

which word means a way of thinking about something?
a) perspective
b) ignore
c) opportunity
d) refuse

Which word means to help someone remember something or tell them again?
a) remind
b) concentrate
c) refuse
d) perspective

Which word means to choose not to do something?
a) refuse
b) remind
c) challenge
d) couple

Which word means to pay no attention to something?
a) ignore
b) remind
c) challenge
d) couple

Which word means the way you go along with or get used to something?
a) adjustment
b) couple
c) refuse
d) remind

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