Film Fright Section Test Question Preview (ID: 46591)

Selection Test Based On The National Geographic Text Book, Level A , Unit 4. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

How does the dog bark? it barks
a) very
b) soon
c) consistently

How does the sun shine in the desert? It shines
a) really.
b) very.
c) brightly.

When will the game begin? it will start
a) soon
b) well
c) slowly

How should you read directions? You should read them
a) well
b) soon
c) slowly

Where is your house? it is __________ from here.
a) far
b) even
c) nearly

How must you speak in the library? You must speak_____.
a) early
b) quietly
c) always

Why are some movie monsters called 'classic'?
a) People still tell stories about them
b) People like the costumes actors wear
c) People can find information about them
d) people know the characters came from books

In what way is Young Frankenstein different from other Frankenstein movies?
a) It has better cosutmes
b) it is funny rather than scary
c) Frankenstein's character is smarter
d) Frankenstein's son is the main character

What is stop action photography?
a) a film that lasts 6 hours
b) a change that takes 10 seconds
c) long movies that are repeated often
d) short pieces of film that are put together

What does the monster in the poem do?
a) He chases people
b) he borrows bread
c) he sweeps the ground
d) he makes a sandwich

Which word means first of its kind?
a) original
b) classic
c) evil
d) successful

Which word means a person who acts in a movie or play?
a) actor
b) successful
c) character
d) terror

Which word means a feeling of much fear?
a) evil
b) actor
c) terror
d) fascinated

Which word means to be well liked or having a good result?
a) successful
b) character
c) evil
d) terror

Which word means a set of actions taken to get a certain result
a) process
b) fascinated
c) character
d) actor

Which word means old, but good?
a) classic
b) original
c) terror
d) actor

Which word means very interested in something?
a) fascinated
b) evil
c) process
d) original

Which word means someone in a story
a) character
b) process
c) evil
d) original

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