Unit 23 Test Part 1 Question Preview (ID: 46574)

Test. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which of the following was NOT one of the cities bombed by the A bombs?
a) Hiroshima
b) Nagasaki
c) Tokyo

Which of the following is NOT true of the Cold War?
a) Each country was suspicious of the others aggression.
b) The Soviets did not want free elections in their part of Germany
c) The Soviets established a buffer zone of Soviet friendly countries
d) The American dropped bombs on the city of Moscow in Russia

True or False: Japan surrendered before Germany.
a) True
b) False

The project of building the Atomic bombs was called
a) The Manhattan Project
b) The Nuclear Project
c) The New York Project
d) The Pearl Harbor Project

The ________________________ is the period of political tension following World War II and ending with the fall of Communism in the Soviet Union at the end of the 1980s
a) World War II
b) Cold War
c) World War I
d) Soviet War

A resistance fighter in World War II is ___________________________
a) Collaborator
b) Appeasement
c) Sanctions
d) Partisan

A person who assists the enemy is a __________________
a) Collaborator
b) Appeasement
c) Sanctions
d) Partisan

The British term for the German air raids on British cities and towns during World War II is _____________________
a) Kamikaze
b) Blitz
c) Sanctions
d) Blitzkrieg

The refusal to take sides or become involved in wars between other nations is __________________
a) Appeasement
b) Neutrality
c) Isolationism
d) Cold War

_______________ is the Japanese for divine wind; a suicide mission in which young Japanese pilots intentionally flew their airplanes into U.S. fighting ships at sea
a) Kamikaze
b) Blitz
c) Sanctions
d) Blitzkrieg

__________________ is a policy of national isolation by abstention from alliances and other international political and economic relations
a) Appeasement
b) Neutrality
c) Isolationism
d) Cold War

A ________________ is the German for lightning war; a swift and sudden military attack; used by the Germans during World War II
a) Blitzkrieg
b) Blitz
c) Kamikaze
d) Partisan

Restrictions intended to enforce international law are _______________________
a) Collaborator
b) Sanctions
c) Blitz
d) Neutrality

__________________is elimination or prohibition of weapons, fortifications, and other military installations
a) Isolationism
b) Partisan
c) Appeasement
d) Demilitarization

________________________ is satisfying reasonable demands of dissatisfied powers in an effort to maintain peace and stability
a) Isolationism
b) Partisan
c) Appeasement
d) Demilitarization

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