CI Investigation 7 Question Preview (ID: 46488)

Melting. Dissolving. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which answer choice best describes melting?
a) Melting occurs when a substance is stirred into another substance and is then heated. The substances join together as liquid
b) Melting occurs when particles of a solid break apart and become uniformly mixed with particles of a liquid.
c) Melting occurs when heat is added or removed and particles are able to break away and form a solution.
d) Melting occurs when a substance is heated. Particles gain kinetic energy. The substance changes phase from solid to liquid

Which answer choice best describes dissolving?
a) Dissolving occurs when a substance is stirred in another substance and is then heated. The substances join together as liquid
b) Dissolving occurs when particles of a solid break apart and become uniformly mixed with particles of a liquid.
c) Dissolving occurs when heat is added or removed and particles are able to break away and form a solution.
d) Dissolving occurs when a substance is heated. Particles gain kinetic energy. The substance changes phase from solid to liquid

For a substance to melt, which of the following is required?
a) A change of phase.
b) A solute.
c) A solvent.
d) A solution.

When a substance dissolves, which of the following is created?
a) A change of phase.
b) A solute.
c) A solvent.
d) A solution.

You create a salt water solution. Which substance is the solvent?
a) salt
b) water
c) salt water

What is a compound?
a) Matter with a composition that is always the same.
b) A type of substance containing atoms from two or more elements.
c) Matter that is a combination of two or more substances that are not chemically combined.
d) None of these options

What is a mixture?
a) Matter with a composition that is always the same.
b) A type of substance containing atoms from two or more elements.
c) Matter that is a combination of two or more substances that are not chemically combined.
d) None of these options

What is the appropriate way in which to separate a solution?
a) Evaporation
b) Filtration

What is the appropriate way in which to separate a mixture?
a) Evaporation
b) Filtration

Which explanation best defines solubility?
a) Solubility explains solids that simply fall to the bottom of a liquid when mixed together.
b) Solubility is the lack of ability of a substance to dissolve.
c) Solubility is the ability of a substance to dissolve in another.
d) Solubility is the ability of a substance to dissolve in water.

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