History Ch 13 B Question Preview (ID: 46457)

Civil War. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Confederate (slave state) soldiers were also called...
a) reds
b) rebels
c) reckless
d) wreck it ralph

The gun shot at what fort began the Civil War?
a) Fort Summer, Raleigh, N.C.
b) Fort Bummer, Sorry, T.X.
c) Fort Sumter, Charleston, S.C.
d) Fort Bragg, North Carolina

Who fired the first shot in the Civil War?
a) Confidants
b) Confederates
c) Lee Harvey Oswald
d) John Wilkes Booth

Later in the War, the Confederate government had ____ states and the Union had ____ states
a) red, blue
b) sad, strong
c) 15, 17
d) 11, 22

Who did the South trade with to afford supplies for the war?
a) Europe
b) Africa
c) Napoleon
d) The Pawn Shop

Abraham Lincoln stopped all trading in the South by setting up a ...
a) lemonade stand
b) blockade
c) bomb shelter
d) barter store

What was the name of the sunken ship that the South raised and remade?
a) The Marriot
b) The Southern Belle
c) The Humdinger
d) The Merrimac

The Union built an ironlclad ship named what?
a) The Monitor
b) The Mongrel
c) The Montgomery
d) The Mullet

Which side won the battle in the sea?
a) The South
b) The North
c) The East
d) Neither

The Emancipation Proclamation declared that all slavers were considered...
a) free
b) fired
c) fantastic
d) debtors

After the Civil War an __________ was added to the _____________ giving all slaves freedom
a) article, newspaper
b) ribbon, pony
c) apartheid, Colorado
d) amendment, Constitution

Who was the commander of all the Union armies?
a) Ulysses S. Grant
b) Ursula S. Giant
c) Unicorn S. Grand
d) Useless S. Glam

Who was the commander of the Confederate army?
a) Jackie Lee
b) Robin A. Hood
c) Robert E. Lee
d) Rocky P. Balboa

What side seemed to be winning the Civil War in the beginning?
a) The South
b) The North
c) The South Korea
d) The West

What was the turning point in the Civil War?
a) The Battle of Gettysburg.
b) The Battle at Appomattox
c) Exit 246 B
d) The Skirmish of Savannah

The Union army took over Vicksburg and took control of what river?
a) The Little Tennessee River
b) The Nile River
c) The Ohio River
d) The Mississippi River

Who was shot by John Wilkes Booth just five days after the Civil War ended?
a) William T. Sherman
b) Abraham Lincoln
c) Ford Theater
d) Albert Einstein

Who became the United States president after Abraham Lincoln?
a) Andrew Johnson
b) John Anderson
c) Anthony Hopkins
d) Luke Skywalker

The Civil War settled two important issues: No state would be allowed to ________ the Union and no __________ would be allowed.
a) level, savory
b) leave, slavery
c) tarnish, spitting
d) leave, voting

William T. ______________,captured _____________, Georgia on his destructive march toward the sea.
a) Sherbert, Apricot
b) Sherwood, Augusta
c) Shubert, Clayton
d) Sherman, Atlanta

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