Weather Factors Question Preview (ID: 464)

Weather. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Local winds blow over shorter distances than global winds
a) True
b) False

Earth's major wind belts are the trade winds, the prevailing westerlies, and the polar latitudes
a) True
b) False

Cold, humid air masses that bring fog to the West Coast are continental polar air masses
a) True
b) False

Fluids like air tend to move toward areas of high pressure
a) True
b) False

Earth's rotation makes winds seem to curve. This is called the
a) Coriolis effect.
b) global effect.
c) rotational effect.
d) convection effect.

Cool air masses tend to
a) be more dense and flow under warm air masses.
b) be less dense and flow over warm air masses.
c) be lifted up by more dense warm air masses.
d) mix easily with warm air masses.

An air mass that formed over northern Mexico and affected the southwestern United States would be a
a) maritime polar air mass
b) maritime tropical air mass.
c) continental tropical air mass.
d) continental polar air mass.

Warm air masses that affect the west coast of the United States are called
a) maritime polar air masses.
b) maritime tropical air masses.
c) continental polar air masses.
d) continental tropical air masses.

When a warm air mass collides with a cold air mass, it forms a(n)
a) occluded front.
b) warm front.
c) stationary front.
d) cold front.

Uneven heating of the atmosphere leads to differences in air ____________________, which causes wind.
a) hot
b) tornado
c) pressure
d) stationary

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