Aztecs Question Preview (ID: 46390)
Aztec Study Test.
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What does the picture of the Mexican Flag Symbolize?
a) A struggle between the powers of the earth and sky
b) the joining of people
c) the strength of Aztec armies to conquer their neighbors
d) a legend about how Aztecs knew where to build their city and live
What was one good thing about settling on the island in Lake Texcoco?
a) It had forests
b) It had a deep harbor
c) Easy to keep enemies out
d) had volcanic rock
Why did the Aztecs of Tenochtitlan build chinampas?
a) to keep invaders away
b) to enlarge their land area and make where they live bigger
c) to get a fresh supply of water
d) to catch fish for special meals
What did the Aztec build in the center of Tenochtitlan?
a) large plaza where they held special festivals and feasts
b) a royal palace
c) wooden causeways leading in four different directions
d) a ball court
How might someone become the Aztec emperor?
a) when they turned 16, they got the job
b) chosen by a group of advisors
c) the position was heirdartary
d) there was an election
What was the usual way to buy and sell goods in an Aztec market?
a) money, such as coins
b) barter, or trading one good for another
c) donation, freely giving the goods to people
d) credit, or agreeing to make a later payment
Which of these was a task usually left for Aztec men?
a) weaving cloth
b) preparing meals
c) tending the garden
d) building the house
What would an Aztec commoner boy be most likely to study at school?
a) how to be a solider
b) how to build pyramids
c) the movement of the planets
d) the art of neighboring cultures
What was an Aztec farmer most likely to eat?
a) winged ants
b) oat porridge
c) corn tortillas
d) fresh peaches
What animals did some Aztec families raise?
a) goats
b) sheep
c) horses
d) turkeys
Why did the Aztecs call themselves the people of the sun
a) the peasants often got sunburned
b) their main god was the sun god
c) the sun dried out their crops
d) the nobles could relax in the sun
Why did Aztec markets have guards and judges?
a) to collect taxes
b) to make sure sellers were honest
c) to make sure valuable items were not traded
d) to keep the best items for the emperor
The Aztecs sacrificed birds and humans because they believed the god Huitzilopochtli
a) required suffering
b) hated most living things
c) built with bones and feathers
d) need blood to be stronger
The game patolli involved beans, colored stones, and a board with 52 squares. Moving five times around the board symbolized 260 days, a reference to
a) the Aztec calendar
b) a famous Aztec battle
c) the origin of the Aztec people
d) a journey throughout Aztec lands
The ball game tlachtli, which served a religious purpose, was played mostly by
a) prisoners of war
b) professional athletes
c) members of the nobles
d) children of farmers
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