Skeletal System Part 1 Question Preview (ID: 46389)

The Structure Of Bones. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which bone cells resorb and sculpt bones to shape them properly?
a) Osteoclasts
b) Osteoblasts
c) Osteocytes
d) Goblet Cells

Bone cells (osteocytes) live in the compact bone in hollow compartments called...
a) Lacunae
b) Canaliculi
c) Medullary Cavity
d) Osteon

This term describes part of a bone that sticks out/protrudes to allow ligaments or tendons to attach.
a) Process
b) Osteocyte
c) Epiphysis
d) Articular

This is the process of blood cell formation.
a) Hematopoiesis
b) Osmosis
c) Mitosis
d) Phagocytosis

Which of these is an example of an irregular bone?
a) Vertebra
b) Femur
c) Patella
d) Phalanges

What bone is responsible for protecting the brain?
a) Cranium
b) Femur
c) Sternum
d) Patella

The bones of the arms and legs would be classified as which type of bone?
a) Long
b) Sesamoid
c) Irregular
d) Short

What is the most common mineral stored in bones?
a) Potassium
b) Calcium
c) Sodium
d) Phosphorus

This term refers to the shaft of a long bone.
a) Diaphysis
b) Epiphysis
c) Osteoblast
d) Henway

This is the tough, fibrous membrane that surrounds a bone.
a) Periosteum
b) Epiphysis
c) Epicardium
d) Diaphysis

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