Exploring Solar System Vocab Question Preview (ID: 46388)

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an uncrewed vehicle that travels to and obtains information about objects in space
a) ISS
b) space probe
c) artificial satellite
d) space shuttle

the distance from the Earth to the Sun
a) metric unit
b) SI unit
c) astronomincal unit
d) customary unit

anything that has mass and takes up space
a) matter
b) mass
c) weight
d) force

to travel around something in a curved path
a) satellite
b) axis
c) revolve
d) orbit

to move in a circle or oval around a central object
a) rotate
b) revolve
c) retrograde
d) redintegrate

to turn or spin around a center point or line
a) rotate
b) revolve
c) retrograde
d) regularization

the orbit or rotation of a planet or planetary satellite in a reverse direction from that normal in the solar system
a) ribonucleotides
b) revolution
c) rotation
d) retrograde

a natural object that orbits around another objec tin space
a) moon
b) rings
c) satellite
d) space debris

a solid object moving in space that is smaller than an asteroid
a) meteoroid
b) comet
c) asteroid
d) planetoid

a proper distance from the Sun that allows for liquid water
a) benthic zone
b) time zone
c) tidal zone
d) habitable zone

a person trained by a human spaceflight program to command, pilot, or serve as a crew member of a spacraft
a) captain
b) astronaut
c) pilot
d) astrologer

the study of the origin, development, distribution, and the future of the life of the universe
a) astronomy
b) astrology
c) astrophysics
d) astrobiology

the imaginary straight line that something turns around
a) poles
b) axis
c) equator
d) Prime Meridian

a mostly rocky and metal object that orbits the sun
a) asteroid
b) planet
c) planetoid
d) moon

a large, round object in space that travels around a star
a) satellite
b) moon
c) asteroid
d) planet

a vehicle propelled by the exhaust made from a burning fuel
a) shuttle
b) probe
c) rocket
d) station

all of space and everything in it including stars, planets, galaxies, etc...
a) galaxy
b) solar system
c) universe
d) Milky Way

a planet similar in size or composition to the Earth, especially being on of the four inner planets of our solar system
a) artificial planet
b) planetoid
c) jovian planet
d) terrestrial planet

a system of planets or other bodies orbiting another star
a) solar system
b) galaxy
c) universe
d) Keiper belt

a nuclear reaction in which nuclei combine to form more massive nuclei with the simultaneous release of energy
a) nuclear fission
b) nuclear radiation
c) nuclear fusion
d) nuclear explosion

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