AIR Review Question Preview (ID: 46383)

Review For Ohio AIR Government Test. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is one of the most important things to look at to determine credibility?
a) Qualifications of author
b) Cost of the data
c) Number of times it was shared on social media
d) Number of charts and graphs in report

Amendment passed after Chisholm v GA case and it limits the jurisdiction of the federal courts
a) 9
b) 11
c) 13
d) 17

Conflict resolution type that seeks to find common ground or areas of agreement
a) Compromise
b) Negotiation
c) Consensus Building
d) Persuasion

Amendment added after JFK was killed and Johnson took over but had health issues
a) 12
b) 20
c) 22
d) 25

Which would be an activity a citizen could take at the local level?
a) Testify before Congress
b) Call their Governor
c) Attend a school board meeting
d) Join the armed forces

Which branch can impeach the President?
a) Executive
b) Judicial
c) Legislative
d) None

Which branch negotiates and writes treaties with foreign nations?
a) Executive
b) Legislative
c) Judicial
d) Cabinet members

Which principle of government supports the idea of consent of the governed?
a) limited government
b) separation of powers
c) checks and balances
d) popular sovereignty

What is the main job of the judicial branch?
a) Enforce laws
b) Make laws
c) Interpret laws
d) Implement laws

Which branch of government enforces the law?
a) Executive
b) Judicial
c) Legislative
d) Media

Which branch of government makes laws?
a) Legislative
b) Judicial
c) Executive
d) State government

Which is a power that belongs only to the states?
a) Declare war
b) Run elections
c) raise taxes
d) Issue copyrights and patents

Which is an example of a delegated power of the national government?
a) Regulate interstate commerce
b) Control public education
c) Issue marriage licenses
d) Build roads

A republic refers to a government in which
a) citizens vote on every law that is proposed by the government
b) citizens elect representations to make the laws
c) the president can do whatever he/she wants
d) states have the most power

What happens if Ohio passes a law that conflicts with a federal law?
a) The Ohio law is followed
b) The Ohio Supreme Court decides which to follow
c) The federal law is followed because the Constitution takes precedence
d) Each city decides which law to follow

Which best reflects the concern of the Anti-Federalists?
a) The Constitution gave too much power to national government
b) The national government did not have enough power to govern properly
c) States would dominate and it would lead to conflict
d) The Executive branch in Constitution did not have enough power

Checks and balances helps make sure
a) the President has the most power
b) No branch can become too powerful
c) Congress has the most power
d) States do not lose power to national government

Amendment that protects the powers of the states
a) 5
b) 10
c) 15
d) 20

Which part of government can issue executive orders?
a) Congress
b) Supreme Court
c) President
d) States

Which amendment was passed because political bosses and the wealthy had too much power?
a) 11
b) 17
c) 21
d) 27

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