Physical And Chemical Changes Question Preview (ID: 46379)

Do You Know The Difference Between Physical And Chemical Changes? Can You Identify Examples Of Each? TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Steam escaping from a cup of hot chocolate is an example of _______
a) solid to liquid
b) liquid to gas
c) gas to liquid
d) solid to gas

Which of these is an example of a physical change?
a) breaking glass into pieces
b) melting sand into glass

A chemical change occurs in which situation?
a) water evaporating leaving behind baking soda
b) mixing blue and yellow paint to make green paing
c) mixing together kool-aid powder and water
d) antacid tablet combining with water to create medicine

A physical change occurs in which situation?
a) baking soda and vinegar combine to create a gas
b) antacid tablet combines with water to create a medicine
c) water evaporating leaving behind baking soda
d) baking cake batter in to a cake

Which list indicates a physical change?
a) Change in size, shape and matter
b) Change in size, shape and color
c) Change in color, shape and matter
d) Change in size, color and matter

Combining baking powder and vinegar is an example of _____________.
a) chemical change
b) physical change

Combining sugar and water is an example of ____________.
a) chemical change
b) physical change

Metal being melted is an example of _______________.
a) chemical change
b) physical change

Water boiling is an example of ____________.
a) chemical change
b) physical change

Paper being burned is an example of ______________.
a) chemical change
b) physical change

Tearing open a graham cracker package and breaking a cracker in half is an example of ___________.
a) chemical change
b) physical change

Roasting a marshmallow and placing it on a piece of chocolate is an example of ___________________.
a) chemical change
b) physical change

Striking a match and lighting a fire is an example of ________.
a) chemical change
b) physical change

Ice melting into water is an example of _______
a) solid to liquid
b) liquid to gas
c) gas to liquid
d) solid to gas

A mirror becoming foggy is an example of __________.
a) condensation
b) evaporation
c) sublimation

Which list contains only physical changes?
a) cutting paper, frying chicken, wood rotting
b) slicing potatoes, writing on paper, mixing paint
c) frying chicken, making buttermilk, dissolving an antacid
d) slicing potatoes, frying chicken, folding a napkin

Which is NOT an example of a physical change?
a) frost on the window
b) a foggy mirror
c) a shower running
d) dissolving an antacid in a cup of water

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