Solar System Question Preview (ID: 46370)

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What do all of the inner planets have in common?
a) They all have rings.
b) They all have abundant liquid water.
c) They all have many moons.
d) They all are small and have rocky surfaces.

In which direction do planets orbit the sun?
a) Randomly
b) Clockwise
c) Depends on the spin of the planet
d) Counter-clockwise

What do the four outer planets have in common?
a) They are much larger than Earth and are made mainly of hydrogen and helium.
b) They are about the same size as Earth and are made mainly of hydrogen and helium.
c) They are much larger than Earth and are made mainly of iron
d) They are about the same size as Earth and are made mainly of iron.

The solar wind is a stream of electrically charged particles that extend outward from the sun's _______
a) chromosphere.
b) photosphere.
c) corona.
d) core.

What layer are you looking at when you look at an image of the sun?
a) photosphere.
b) chromosphere.
c) corona.
d) prominence.

The sun produces energy by_______
a) attracting it with the force of gravity.
b) nuclear fission.
c) burning fuels such as oil.
d) nuclear fields.

In a heliocentric system, Earth revolves around________
a) Earth.
b) the stars.
c) the moon.
d) the sun.

Each planets orbit is called______
a) a rotation.
b) a path.
c) an ellipse.
d) a circle.

The Solar System formed from_____
a) an expanding galaxy.
b) a supernova.
c) a giant cloud of gas and dust.
d) a black hole.

Small asterioid- like bodies that became the building blocks for the planets are called_______
a) planetesimals.
b) comets.
c) meteroids.
d) open clusters.

Which Planet takes the longest time to orbit the sun?
a) Venus
b) Pluto.
c) Neptune.
d) Earth.

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