Plant Cell Question Preview (ID: 46368)
Functions Of Cell Parts.
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surrounds the internal cell parts; controls passage of materials in and out of the cell
a) cell membrane
b) cytoskeleton
c) cell wall
d) cytoplasm
control center of the cell; contains DNA
a) Golgi body
b) endoplasmic recticulum
c) nucleus
d) cytoskeleton
uses the energy of sunlight to produce glucose during photosynthesis
a) nucleus
b) chloroplast
c) vacuole
d) Golgi body
vesicle that contains substances that break down materials
a) vacuole
b) Golgi body
c) endoplasmic recticulum
d) lysosome
where proteins are made in the cell
a) cytoplasm
b) ribosomes
c) chloroplasts
d) mitochondria
produces energy
a) lysosome
b) nucleus
c) mitochondria
d) chloroplast
provides rigid structure and protection; made of cellulose
a) cell membrane
b) cytoplasm
c) cell wall
d) nucleus
provides strength and shape to the cell; network of protein fibers
a) cytoplasm
b) cytoskeleton
c) endoplasmic recticulum
d) mitochondria
passageways that transport proteins within the cell
a) Golgi body
b) endoplasmic recticulum
c) chloroplasts
d) mitochondria
vesicle that provides storage of water and other materials; full vacuoles provide support
a) vacuole
b) lysosome
c) cytoplasm
d) ribosomes
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