6th Grade STEMS: Weeks 19-20 Question Preview (ID: 46367)

6th Grade STEMS: Weeks 19-20. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What does the stem AQUA mean?
a) water
b) fire
c) moon
d) earth

What does the stem HYDRO mean?
a) star
b) sun
c) water
d) sea

What does the stem SOL mean?
a) sea
b) star
c) fire
d) sun

What does the stem MAR mean?
a) earth
b) moon
c) sun
d) sea

What does the stem ASTR mean?
a) fire
b) heat
c) star
d) earth

What does the stem STELLA mean?
a) fire
b) moon
c) star
d) sun

What does the stem LUNA mean?
a) moon
b) star
c) water
d) sea

What does the stem PYRO mean?
a) moon
b) fire
c) sun
d) star

What does the stem GEO mean?
a) earth
b) sea
c) water
d) heat

What does the stem THERMO mean?
a) fire
b) moon
c) heat
d) earth

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