Rome Test Review #2 - Gov, Social Structure, Punic Wars Question Preview (ID: 46362)

Rome Test Review #2. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which city did the Punic Wars destroy?
a) Carthage
b) Rome
c) Rome
d) Athens

Which answer choice best explains the cause of the Punic Wars?
a) Christians and Muslims fought over the Jerusalem
b) Greece and Athens fought to gain control over the Persian Empire
c) Persia and Rome attempted to build empires
d) Rome and Carthage fought for control of trade routes in North Africa

What geographic feature did Hannibal cross to invade the Italian peninsula?
a) The Himalayas
b) The Alps
c) The Atlantic Ocean
d) The Sahara Desert

The democracy of Rome differed from Greece in that Rome —
a) borrowed the Greek concept of a direct democracy
b) kept the aristocracy as their leaders
c) created a republic
d) believed strongly in a dictatorship as the perfect form of government

Which group was excluded from citizenship in the Roman Republic?
a) plebeian men
b) patrician men
c) women
d) foreigners

Which statement best describes the Roman consuls?
a) They were the constitutions of Rome.
b) They were the elected assemblies of Rome.
c) They were advisors to the chief magistrates of Rome.
d) They were the top magistrates of Rome.

In Roman government, what officials protected the rights of the plebeians?
a) Auxiliaries
b) Emperors
c) Consuls
d) Tribunes

The assemblies, the senate and consuls = __________________ in the Roman Republic
a) Representative Government
b) Citizenship Rights
c) Social Structure
d) Trade Policies

Members of the upper class of Rome were known as —
a) military rulers
b) plebians
c) patricians
d) women

The majority of people in the Roman Republic were members of the —
a) patricians
b) plebians
c) serfs
d) slaves

The Roman Senate consisted of —
a) patricians
b) plebians
c) legionnaires
d) foreigners

Before the creation of the Twelve Tables, why did Roman plebeians want a written  law code?
a) To decrease the power consuls had over society
b) To eliminate slavery based on debt
c) To prevent patricians from abusing their positions
d) To decrease the power fathers held over their families

Gaul, British Isles, and the Eastern Mediterranean were all territories controlled by which Empire?
a) The Roman
b) The Persian
c) The Carthaginian
d) The Macedonian

Select the statement that is NOT true about the expansion of the Roman Empire.
a) The assassination of Julius Caesar allowed for Romans to strengthen their borders
b) Geographic features like mountains and rivers influenced the expansion
c) Having secure trade routes and common currency influenced the expasion
d) Maintaining a strong, professional military influenced the expansion

As a result of the Punic Wars, Rome controlled -
a) the Italian peninsula
b) the area from the Red Sea to the Persian Gulf
c) All of Africa
d) the western Mediterranean Sea

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