Earth's Four Spheres Question Preview (ID: 46352)
Use This To Review The Four Spheres!
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Which sphere has all off the solid and molten rocks, the soil, mountains, plains, and valleys?
a) Geosphere
b) Biosphere
c) Atmosphere
d) Hydrosphere
Which sphere contains all of the solid, liquid, and gaseous water on Earth?
a) Geosphere
b) Biosphere
c) Hydrosphere
d) Atmosphere
Which sphere contains all of the living things on Earth?
a) Geosphere
b) Biosphere
c) Hydrosphere
d) Atmosphere
Which sphere contains all of the air on Earth?
a) Geosphere
b) Biosphere
c) Hydrosphere
d) Atmosphere
A horse drinks water from a pond. Which 2 spheres are interacting?
a) Hydrosphere and Geosphere
b) Geosphere and Biosphere
c) Atmosphere and Biosphere
d) Biosphere and Hydrosphere
The surface of the ocean evaporates into water vapor. Which two spheres are interacting?
a) Hydrosphere and Biosphere
b) Biosphere and Atmosphere
c) Atmosphere and Hydrosphere
d) Geosphere and Biosphere
Air next to the ground becomes warm. What two spheres are interacting?
a) Atmosphere and Biosphere
b) Atmosphere and Geosphere
c) Atmosphere and Hydrosphere
d) Hydrosphere and Biosphere
All of the energy from the four spheres comes from
a) the sun
b) the Earth's hot interior
c) the sun and Earth's hot interior
d) none of these
In which sphere would you find kangaroos and apple trees?
a) Geosphere
b) Biosphere
c) Hydrosphere
d) Atmosphere
In which sphere would you find rain?
a) Biosphere
b) Geosphere
c) Hydrosphere
d) Atmosphere
In which sphere would you find a beach?
a) Geosphere
b) Biosphere
c) Hydrosphere
d) Atmosphere
In which sphere would you find the air you breathe?
a) Geosphere
b) Biosphere
c) Hydrosphere
d) Atmosphere
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