Protest Unit Question Preview (ID: 46334)

Protest Unit. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The Underground Railroad is an example of...
a) Civil disobedience
b) Marching
c) Sit-ins
d) Soapboxing

A petition collects....
a) signatures
b) phone numbers
c) shoelaces
d) letters

Which of these does not typically have signs, slogans, and chants?
a) sit-ins
b) picketing
c) rallying
d) marching

Which of these is the most common form of protest against a business that is doing something bad?
a) Boycott
b) Petitioning
c) Sit-Ins
d) Civil disobedience

Which of these is not a common form of protesting?
a) Picketing
b) Boycotting
c) Marching
d) Venting to a friend

Dr. King led many...
a) all of the above
b) marches
c) rallies
d) boycotts

Which is a strike?
a) a form a protest where employees collectively stop working to improve conditions at their job
b) a form a protest where people sign a sheet agreeing that a certain change needs to occur
c) a form a protest where customers stop buying from certain businesses or companies whom they feel have done somethin
d) a form a protest where someone breaks the law on purpose because they feel that law is not right

They call it picketing because you...
a) form a barrier, like a picket fense
b) pick where to do it
c) use toothpicks
d) pick your nose

It is called soapboxing because....
a) people use to stand on tall, empty boxes of soap to be seen and heard
b) you box against a soapy person
c) you put soap in a box
d) you protest by drawing on boxes with bars of soap

Which of the following is a march?
a) a form a protest where a group of protesters walk together down a street; often with signs, slogans, and chants
b) a form a protest where a group of protesters form a (picket) fence of people outside of a building or business they feel have
c) a form a protest where people gather together in a crowd to listen to a(n often charismatic and knowledgeable) speaker; often
d) a form a protest where employees collectively stop working to improve conditions at their job

Which of the following would be a good person to send a bunch of letters to?
a) Your congressperson
b) Your mayor
c) Your city council
d) All of the above

The Newsies...
a) went on strike
b) wrote angry letters
c) performed a sit-in
d) boycotted the theater

Which of the following is an example of civil disobedience?
a) Helping people escape slavery
b) Signing a petition
c) Telling someone why you disagree with Congress
d) Joining in a march

Which of the following a boycott?
a) a form a protest where customers stop buying from certain businesses or companies whom they feel have done something wrong
b) a form a protest where someone breaks the law on purpose because they feel that law is not right
c) a form a protest where people gather together in a crowd to listen to a(n often charismatic and knowledgeable) speaker; often
d) a form a protest where employees collectively stop working to improve conditions at their job

Showing your disapproval of something you think is wrong is called...
a) Protesting
b) Preparing
c) Writing
d) Rallying

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