Hydrology - Review Part 2 Question Preview (ID: 46315)

Hydrology Benchmark Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

A ________ is a region of the Earth's crust where plates are spreading apart. They form a steep, volcanic mountain range right next to a deep ocean trench
a) continental shelf
b) continental slope
c) rift zone
d) deep ocean basin

Mid-ocean ridges are underwater mountainous regions formed by the separation of ___________.
a) volcanoes
b) tectonic plates
c) tsunamis
d) waves

The continental margin covers area from the shore down to the sea floor. What are the three parts that make of the Continental Margin?
a) Continental Shelf, Continental Slope, Continental Rise
b) Continental Shelf, Deep Ocean Basin , Continental Rise
c) Continental Shelf, Continental Slope, Seamounts
d) Abyssal Plain, Continental Slope, Continental Rise

The tides are due to the uneven _________ of the moon and sun on different locations on earth.
a) gravitational pull
b) Spring Tides
c) Neap Tides
d) Sun's energy

If this boat is not tied to a dock and the waves move in the same direction all day (shown by the arrow), in which direction will the boat travel if left untied?
a) The boat will remain still.
b) The boat will sink
c) The boat will travel in the same direction of the waves.
d) Nothing will happen to the boat.

A _______ is a region of the Earth's crust where plates are spreading apart. They form a steep, volcanic mountain range right next to a deep ocean trench.
a) rift zone
b) continental shelf
c) continental slope
d) continental margin

What are the three things that affect the height of a wave.
a) wind, speed, location
b) Speed, duration, direction
c) speed, wind, duration
d) speed, direction, temperature

In the Southern Hemisphere, surface currents curve in a _______ direction.
a) west
b) east
c) clockwise
d) counter - clockwise

Surface currents in the Northern Hemisphere curve in a ______ direction
a) clockwise
b) counter-clockwise
c) North
d) south

The continental shelf, sunlit zone, and intertidal zone all receive _____levels of sunlight.
a) no
b) low
c) high
d) I don't know.....

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