Hydrology - Review Question Preview (ID: 46314)

Review Practice For Hydrology Unit. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Where are ocean trenches found?
a) They are found in the low hills and flat plains.
b) They are almost as deep as valleys found on land.
c) They are located at the rift zone.
d) They are found in the deepest part of the ocean basin.

The ______is the edge of a continent that lies under the ocean which extends from the coastline of a continent to a drop-off point out in in the ocean.
a) Continental Slop
b) Continental Shelf
c) Rift Zone
d) Deep Ocean Basin

The ________ covers 30 % of Earth's surface and has features, such as abyssal plains, deep-sea trenches and seamounts.
a) Rift Zone
b) Ocean Trenches
c) Deep Ocean Basin
d) Continental Shelf

Volcanic eruptions that occur under oceans are called seamounts. Seamounts that rose above the ocean surface creating the Hawaiian Islands were originally _____.
a) Underwater volcanoes
b) landslides
c) faults
d) earthquakes

water that is very cold sinks into deep water basins due to an increase in the water's density. The cold water is replaced by warm water and this circulation creates
a) waves
b) currents
c) volcanoes
d) seamounts

When density increases and Salinity increases, the temperature will ___________.
a) decrease
b) increase
c) stay the same
d) does not do anything.

What is a major source of calcium and sodium in oceans?
a) weathering and erosion of rocks through runoff
b) minerals dissolved in aquifers
c) gases from active volcanoes
d) emissions from cars

The distance measured from crest to crest or trough to trough of a wave is called _____
a) amplitude
b) wavelength
c) wave height
d) crest

In the Northern Hemisphere, the surface currents flow ______ due to the Earth’s rotation causes surface currents
a) curve clockwise
b) move in straight lines.
c) curve counterclockwise.
d) move in diagonal lines.

The speed of the wind most Affects the ________of a wave
a) salinity of the ocean
b) height
c) amount of solar energy
d) speed of the ocean

What causes Tides?
a) heat of the sun
b) wave height
c) Mrs. Stirewalt's powerful pen
d) gravitational pull between the Earth and the moon

This section of the ocean receives no sunlight is called the
a) sunlit zone.
b) abyssal plain.
c) Continental shelf
d) continental slope

The four most abundant elements in ocean water are hydrogen, sodium, chlorine and oxygen. What is another name for SALT?
a) sodium salt
b) salt chlorine
c) sodium calcium
d) sodium chloride

What is the action force responsible for seafloor spreading?
a) the destruction of ocean crust in trenches
b) the intrusive of magma forced up toward the ocean ridge
c) the force of the ocean crust sitting on the asthenosphere
d) the differences in mass of the ocean and continental plates

A “new moon” coincides with the highest of the two spring tides. Which position is the new moon?
a) At a 180 degree angle between the sun and the Earth
b) At a 180 degree angle on the opposite side of the Earth with the Sun between them
c) At a 90 degree angle between the sun and the Earth
d) At a 90 degree angle on the opposite side of the sun with the Earth between them

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