AIR Test Verbs Question Preview (ID: 46313)

AIR Test Vocab. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The verb ANALYZE means to...
a) break something down into its parts
b) quote
c) find similarities
d) find meaning

The verb ARTICULATE means to...
a) express clearly
b) understand
c) show clearly
d) put together

The verb CITE means to...
a) quote
b) arrange
c) sum up
d) describe in detail

The verb DELINEATE means to...
a) describe in detail
b) find value
c) conclude
d) compare

The verb EVALUATE means to...
a) find value; judge
b) find likenesses
c) break something down into its parts
d) find differences

The verb TRACE means to...
a) outline; follow the course of
b) decide
c) set apart
d) classify

The verb DESCRIBE means to...
a) tell the facts, details
b) find meaning
c) to tell in your own words
d) explain the meaning of

The verb DISTINGUISH means to...
a) set apart
b) sum up
c) tell in your own words
d) put together

The verb RETELL means to...
a) Tell in your own words
b) put together
c) expand
d) find meaning

The verb SUMMARIZE means to...
a) sum up
b) point out
c) decidw
d) show clearly

The verb PARAPHRASE means to...
a) put in different words
b) conclude
c) expand
d) find differences

The verb INTEGRATE means to...
a) put together
b) quote
c) express clearly
d) break down into parts

The verb DEMONSTRATE means to...
a) show clearly
b) explain the meaning of
c) point out
d) make plain

The verb INFER means to...
a) conclude; make an educated guess
b) find
c) mention
d) sum up

The verb DEVELOP means to...
a) elaborate or expand
b) express clearly
c) define
d) put in different words

The verb SYNTHESIZE means to...
a) combine to forma more complex product
b) arrange
c) point out
d) find differences

The verb ANALYZE means to...
a) explain the meaning of
b) judge
c) outline
d) tell the facts

The verb DETERMINE means to...
a) decide
b) pull out
c) classify
d) explain the meaning of

The verb REFER means to...
a) point out; mention
b) put in different words
c) follow the course of
d) show clearly

The verb CONTRAST means to...
a) find differences
b) find likenesses
c) show clearly
d) put together

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