Homeostasis/ Photosynthesis Question Preview (ID: 46306)

General Information About Homeostasis And Photosynthesis. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

WHy is homeostasis so important?
a) it is the process that keeps all systems in the body stable
b) it builds muscles
c) it gives you energy

Homeostasis helps you....
a) find a balance despite external forces
b) build a chair
c) make your body perfect

Stasis means....
a) stable
b) energy
c) built like a table

Where does photosynthesis take place in the plant?
a) chloroplasts
b) stoma
c) stem

The chemical formula for carbon dioxide is....
a) CO2
b) CO
c) C2O2

Glucose is a sugar which means glucose is a form of?
a) chemical energy
b) light energy
c) electrical energy

Which of these do not perform photosynthesis
a) mushroom
b) tree
c) plant

Plants photosynthesized during the day because....
a) they require light energy
b) it rains during the day
c) the soil has more nutrients during the day

Which of these is NOT needed to make food in a plant?
a) oxygen
b) water
c) sunlight

What is a chemical reaction?
a) a process that rearranges the atoms molecules into a different form
b) reactions that do not require energy
c) a change in somethings shape

Which organism is photosynthetic
a) tree
b) puppy
c) you

What opens and closes the stoma
a) guard cells
b) chlorophyll
c) leaf

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