PE Investigation 3 Question Preview (ID: 46295)

Food Chain And Food Web. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

A gull eats a shrimp. How will the arrow point in a food chain with these organisms?
a) From the shrimp to the gull
b) From the gull to the shrimp
c) The arrow will point in both directions
d) Neither of these options

The organisms in a food chain are carrots, rabbits, foxes and lions. Which organism is the producer
a) carrots
b) rabbits
c) foxes
d) lions

The organisms in a food chain are carrots, rabbits, foxes and lions. Which organisms are consumers?
a) carrots
b) rabbits
c) rabbits and foxes
d) rabbits, foxes and lions

Decomposers help in
a) breaking down dead waste
b) recycling nutrients
c) breaking down dead waste and recycling nutrients
d) spreading decay

A food chain starts with a
a) producer
b) consumer
c) decomposer
d) scavenger

A network of interconnected food chains is called
a) food web
b) web cycle
c) chain web
d) ecosystem

A change in a food web to any population can have effects on
a) trees.
b) water.
c) abiotic factors.
d) other populations.

Producers, consumers and decomposers are dependent on each other for their
a) growth
b) reproduction
c) breathing
d) survival

Organisms which feed on secondary consumers are called
a) primary consumer
b) tertiary consumers
c) producers
d) decomposers

A series of organism through which energy is transferred in form of food is called
a) food web
b) food chain
c) food cycle
d) ecosystem

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