World Studies ROME Question Preview (ID: 4627)
Big Quiz Review For My Notes On Ancient ROME.
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Who wrote a mythological book called Metamorphoses?
a) Ovid
b) Homer
c) Virgil
d) Livy
Who wrote the epic poem Aeneid about the destruction of the city of Troy?
a) Virgil
b) Livy
c) Ovid
d) Tiberius
What form of government is run by elected representatives?
a) Republic
b) Assembly
c) Democracy
d) Oligarchy
Which Greek philosophy emphasized comfort and pleasure?
a) epicureanism
b) stoicism
c) cynicism
d) mysticism
Which Greek philosophy criticized all other philosophies but offered no solutions?
a) cynicism
b) Socratic method
c) stoicism
d) epicureanism
What term meant a group of 1,000 Roman soldiers?
a) legion
b) army
c) phalanx
d) assembly
What term means a thin outer layer?
a) veneer
b) marble
c) concrete
d) arches
What term means pleasure-seeking?
a) hedonism
b) cynicism
c) modernism
d) incarnation
What killed most of Hannibal's animals when he wanted to attack Rome from the north?
a) cold weather
b) men with spears
c) ambush
d) elephants
What did Diocletian do to try to strengthen the Roman Empire?
a) He divided the Roman Empire into east and west halves.
b) He divided the Roman Empire into north and south halves.
c) He persecuted Christians.
d) He paid for entertainment in the Colosseum.
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