MIDTERM PRACTICE B Question Preview (ID: 46262)

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What kind of government did Japan adopt after World War II?
a) oligarchy
b) autocracy
c) democracy
d) monarchy

What is the name of the body of water directly EAST of India (between India and Indochina)?
a) Arabian Sea
b) Bay of Bengal
c) Indian Ocean
d) Lake Baikal

Which of these events demonstrates passive resistance?
a) Indian soldiers turn their guns on the British government
b) Indians attack police at Chittagong
c) Millions of Hindus and Muslims are forced to migrate from their homes
d) Indians march to Dandhi to make salt

Shintoism is unique to which ethnic group
a) Indo-Europeans
b) Chinese
c) Japanese
d) Vietnamese

Which idea is NOT from Confucius?
a) respect older people
b) family relationships must be respected
c) rulers must set a good example for their people
d) if you are unhappy with the government, force is the best way to change it

Which religion believes in many forms of one god, wishes to escape the cycle of birth, death and rebirth and reads from a text called The Upanishads
a) Taoism
b) Buddhism
c) Confucianism
d) Hinduism

Which country is POOREST in natural resources?
a) North Korea
b) Bangladesh
c) Vietnam
d) Japan

Which war was the 2nd war fought by the United States to contain communism?/////
a) Korean War
b) Vietnam War
c) World War II
d) Spanish-American War

Which even is an example of Cold War containment?
a) Chiang Kai Shek establishes Nationalist China on the island of Taiwan
b) Mao Zedong establishes a communist government on the Chinese mainland
c) The United States attempts to prevent North Vietnam from taking over South Vietnam
d) Vietnam reunites as a communist country

Who was the leader of the Chinese Communist Party which defeated the Nationalists?
a) Mao Zedong
b) Chiang Kai Shek
c) Sun Yet Sen
d) Kim Il Sung

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