Electricity Question Preview (ID: 46255)

EIM Grade 9. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

the tool use for measuring current
a) ohmmeter
b) galvanometer
c) ammeter
d) voltmeter

IT is considered as the best coductor
a) gold
b) copper
c) silver
d) aluminum

Wire #14 has an ampacitance of ____________
a) 15 amps
b) 20 amps
c) 25 amps
d) 30 amps

the Tool used to measure the length of wire
a) miter square
b) steel tape
c) hammer
d) pliers

the most common conductors
a) gold
b) silver
c) copper
d) aluminum

A device used to measure voltage, resistance, and current
a) Test clamp
b) VOM multi tester
c) Megger
d) Metal Tester

The electromotive force that pushes the electrons
a) resistance
b) voltage
c) Current
d) Power

which of the following is not an Insulator
a) Rubber
b) human Hair
c) Iron rod
d) Plastic cellophance

the type of circuit where there is only 1 current flow
a) parallel circuit
b) short circuit
c) series circuit
d) metal circuit

What is the unit for Resistance
a) ampere
b) volts
c) joules
d) ohms

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