Cookery Quiz 1 Question Preview (ID: 46253)

Cookery 10 Quiz 2. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

whole butter is best for sauteing meats
a) false
b) true
c) maybe
d) never

Examples of moist cooking
a) stewing
b) frying
c) sauteing
d) baking

Example of dry cooking
a) poaching
b) frying
c) simmering
d) stewing

The process of browning meat to form an oven crust
a) searing
b) poaching
c) sauteing
d) all of the above

Food is dragged through starch w/ seasoning to coat
a) dredging
b) coating
c) flouring
d) seasoning

To test donness of meat
a) cut into it to see if it bleds
b) look at it to see if it's white
c) use a thermometer
d) none of the above

A thin , boneless steak
a) cutlet
b) steak
c) chop
d) none

The process of covering an item w/ a thin sheet of fat
a) trussing
b) fabricating
c) barding
d) all of the above

A portion-sized piece of meat that is cut from a larger muscle
a) steak
b) truss
c) chop
d) none of the above

It is unnecessary for chefs to master basic cutting skills
a) true
b) false
c) either
d) neither

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