Summative Test Question Preview (ID: 46247)

4th Quarter Summative Test. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is the brain of the computer?
a) Memory
b) Microprocessor
c) Motherboard
d) Hardware Software

The following are input devices except one.
a) Keyboard
b) Mouse
c) Monitor
d) Scanner

What is the temporary repository of data?
a) Memory
b) CPU
c) Motherboard
d) Hardware

What output device that produces hard copies of documents?
a) Monitor
b) Scanner
c) Speaker
d) Printer

Which of the following is a computer's operating system?
a) Google Chrome
b) MS Office
c) MS Windows
d) Android

Which of the following is an example of a word processor?
a) Word
b) Excel
c) Access
d) Publisher

A device that maintains clock and BIOS settings.
a) Lithium Battery
b) CMOS Battery
c) Clock Battery
d) CPU Battery

Which of the following is an extension name of a spreadsheet software?
a) docx
b) xlsx
c) pptx
d) pub

Which of the following is master control program of a computer?
a) application software
b) system software
c) operating system
d) antivirus software

What is the main memory?
a) Cache
b) random access memory
c) read-only memory
d) optical memory

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