Civil Rights Movement Test Question Preview (ID: 46229)

Civil Rights Movement. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What court case explained the need for the separate but equal doctrine?
a) Plessy v Ferguson
b) Brown v Board of Education
c) Roe v Wade
d) United States v Nixon

Which amendment got rid of the poll tax?
a) 15th
b) 19th
c) 23rd
d) 24th

During the 1950s, how did the United States Supreme Court become involved with segregation in public schools?
a) by writing laws that made segregation in public schools illegal
b) by allowing the president of the United States to declare segregation in public schools illegal
c) by ruling in several cases that segregation in public schools was illegal
d) by supporting an amendment to the Constitution to make segregation in public schools illegal

What event did Martin Luther King Jr.'s I Have A Dream speech occur at?
a) National Farm Workers Association
b) Brown vs Board of Education
c) Montgomery Bus Boycott
d) March on Washington

Which of these phrases DO NOT describe Thurgood Marshall?
a) Civil rights activist
b) First African American Supreme Court judge
c) President
d) Lawyer during Brown vs Board of Education case

In the 1950s, Rosa Park's actions helped lead to which major event in the Civil Rights Movement?
a) school desegregation
b) the Montgomery Bus Boycott
c) the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
d) the Vietnam War

What was one MAIN benefit of developing the technology to explore space for the United States in the 1960s and 1970s?
a) Development of space technology helped other military and scientific projects.
b) Rocks from the moon have special resources not found on Earth.
c) The people who went to the mood are able to give firsthand accounts of its features.
d) The technology for walking on the moon helps scientists understand global warming.

What organization did Cesar Chavez start?
a) North Atlanta Treaty Organization
b) National Farm Workers Association
c) The League of Nations
d) The United Nations

What did the Civil Rights Act end?
a) segregation
b) slavery
c) integration
d) violence

What impact on society did the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., have?
a) Relationships immediately improved between people of different races.
b) Congress introduced stricter laws against guns.
c) Congress passed the Civil Right Acts of 1968.
d) Some people who were angry about the assassination rioted.

Which of the following did Jim Crow laws promote?
a) racial segregation
b) racial integration
c) racial harmony
d) racial equality

When did Lyndon B Johnson become president?
a) when he won the 1956 election
b) when the Great Depression began
c) when the Vietnam War became unpopular
d) when John F Kennedy was assassinated

Which statement BEST explains how the Thirteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution compared the the Jim Crow laws?
a) Both were helpful to African Americans.
b) One addressed rights for women, and the other addressed free speech.
c) They had opposite purposes.
d) One was developed to address voting, and the other was developed to address slavery.

Where did the Montgomery Bus Boycott happen?
a) Alabama
b) Mississippi
c) Georgia
d) Texas

What effect did the Fifteenth Amendment have on the U.S. Constitution?
a) Discrimination against African Americans' voting rights ended.
b) The enslavement of African Americans in the United States was no longer legal.
c) The federal and state governments could not bar citizens from voting because of their race.
d) The enslavement of African Americans in the United States was no longer permitted in most states.

Who was Rosa Parks?
a) a bus driver
b) a speaker at the March on Washington
c) a congresswoman from Mississippi
d) a woman who refused to give up her seat on a bus

Which if these states the most likely reason for the three assassinations that took place in the 1960s?
a) All three men were well- known and admired by the country.
b) All three men believed that United States should set an example for the world.
c) All three men made great promises to oppressed people.
d) All three men wanted to make big changes in society.

What were Jim Crow laws?
a) Laws that were struck down during Reconstruction.
b) Laws that forced black people to stay separated from white people.
c) Laws that allowed employers to pay black workers less than white workers.
d) Laws that discriminated against migrant workers.

What was the Space Race?
a) the launch of two rockets at the same time to see which could reach orbit first.
b) the contest between the United States and the USSR to put human beings into space
c) several different nations wanting to be the first to manufacture space rockets
d) experiments by NASA to find our which type of satellite could reach sace the fastest.

What was the March on Washington?
a) a march for space exploration
b) a march for equality
c) a march through the state of Washington
d) a march against high taxes

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