ENV 9 Weeks Review Question Preview (ID: 46228)

Ecological Footprint, Cycles, Biomes. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Important organism to the carbon cycle. Organism uses carbon during photosynthesis.
a) algae
b) bacteria
c) consumer
d) plants

The organism at the bottom of an aquatic/water food chain.
a) algae
b) bacteria
c) consumers
d) plants

This organism is needed for the nitrogen cycle. It transforms atmospheric nitrogen to a usable form.
a) algae
b) bacteria
c) consumers
d) plants

This organism gets energy by eating other organisms.
a) algae
b) bacteria
c) consumers
d) plants

The amount of land and ocean area needed to support one person
a) precautionary principle
b) ecological footprint
c) tragedy of the commons
d) biosphere

The amount of energy passed from one organism to the next in a food chain.
a) 1%
b) 10%
c) 90%
d) 100%

This biome has large herds of grazing rhinos, gazelles, and firaffes
a) savanna
b) taiga
c) tropical rain forest
d) tundra

This biome has animals that have specialized ways of surviving to avoid competition.
a) savanna
b) taiga
c) tropical rain forest
d) tundra

This biome has evergreen trees like pine, fir, and spruce.
a) savanna
b) taiga
c) tropical rain forest
d) tundra

Which biome is threatened by deforestation?
a) savanna
b) taiga
c) tropical rain forest
d) tundra

This biome has a layer of permafrost (frozen soil)
a) savanna
b) taiga
c) tropical rain forest
d) tundra

Deserts are often formed on the dry side of
a) savanna
b) taiga
c) mountain ranges
d) tundra

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